Archives International Auctions- AIA XXIX Part I
October 24,2015
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comCONFEDERATE BONDS
England - U.S.
360 Confederate, 1863, 7% Cotton Loan.Confederate States of
America, Issued and uncancelled bond. Series B. £ 500-12,500
Francs-20,000 lbs. Cotton. Allegorical woman holding Confederate
flag with cotton bales and ships at sea behind her. Coupons attached.
Signed by Emile Erlanger. Coupons attached. XF condition. Bond #
162. Rare confederate bond in exceptional condition. �����Est.
Virginia & South Carolina
361 Confederate Bonds Lot of 3, Act of February 20, 1863.Lot of 3
SouthCarolina&Virginia, 1863, $100&$500&$1000Denominations,
B-210; B-166; B-220, Issued bonds, Partial coupons attached to the
$100 and $500 bonds, the $1000 bond has had them cut off, Tyler &
Rose signatures, Fine condition lot of 3.������������������������������� Est.
362 Confederate Bonds Lot of 3, Acts of August 19, 1861 & April 30,1863.
Lot of 3, South Carolina &Virginia, 1862 & 1863, $500 & $1000
Denominations, B-127, B-123, B-280, (Cr. 73, Cr.74, Cr.138), Issued
bonds, Coupons attached, Hunter, Unidentified man and Seddon
portrait in middle, Tyler signatures, VF condition with light creasing
and Foxing. B. Duncan, Evans & Cogswell.�������������������������� Est.
363 Confederate States Bond. $10,000. Cr.146, B-339.Equestrian
Statue of George Washington at top center, 58 coupons. Serial # 5,
100 issued and only 11-20 believed to exist. Very Rare. Fine+. Water
and mud stained from damage from Hurricane Allison in 2001. �� Est.
364 Confederate States Bond. $100. Cr.141, B-286.CSSVirginia sinking
USS Cumberland at Hampton Roads at top center. F. ����������Est.
365 Confederate States Bond. $100. Cr.28, B-51.Regan portrait at top
center, 7 coupons. VF����������������������������������������������������������� Est.