Archives International Auctions AIA XXIX Part I
October 24, 2015
Archives International Auctions
341 City of New Orleans. 1868.LA. $50, no coupons. Pelican feeding
young at top center. Signed by Mayor John R. Conway. Redeemed
1870 stamped. Paper tone, VG, poc. ������������������������������������ Est.
342 Parish of Concordia, 1867.LA. $100, 6 coupons. Adhesive revenue
stamp. Paper tone. VF. �������������������������������������������������������� Est.
343 Parishes of Carroll and Madison. 1859.LA. $1000 Bond with
3 attached coupons, plus a second sheet of 47 more. Board of
Levee Commissioners. Payment deferred to 1892 hand stamped.
VF. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
344 State of Louisiana, 1914 Registered Serial Gold Bond.Baton
Rouge, Louisiana. Specimen 1914. $-Odd Registered Serial 4
1/2% Gold Bond. Green border and underprint. Eagle vignette. XF
condition. ABNC. Rare as specimen ������������������������������������Est.
345 State of Louisiana. 1914, Specimen Bond.Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Specimen 1914. $500 Serial 4 1/2% Gold Coupon Bond. Orange
border and underprint. XF condition. ABNC. Rare as specimen �� Est.
346 State of Louisiana. Cr.71A.LA. $1000 Bond with coupons. 1871.
Signed by Governor Henry ClayWarmouth. VF. ������������������� Est.
347 State of Louisiana. Cr.92B, E, G.LA. $100, 500, 1000 Bond, 1892.
Pin Hole Cancelled. Signed by Governors Murphy J. Foster orWilliam
W. Heard. VF. 3 pieces. �������������������������������������������������������� Est.