Archives International Auctions- AIA XXIX Part I
October 24,2015
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comSCRIPOPHILY - MINING
162 AlaskaKlondikeCo-operativeMiningExpeditionCorrespondence,1897.
Alaska. 6 letters of correspondence, dated November and
December 1897, from J.W. Uppercu, promoter of the enterprise in
Philadelphia to Mr. George Beaverson NY who will contribute 10
dollars (in one dollar installments) to the cause of underwriting the
expedition. One letter is split on the folds and tape repaired. Also
included is a letter from Beaverson’s father saying that he will not
support the cause, a December 1897 invitation to a meeting of the
expedition in the Odd-Fellow’s Temple in Philadelphia. Finally two
letters of rejection from publishers on other topics. An interesting
correspondence on how a businessman proposed to raise funds
to mine Alaska gold. News reports that by August 6th 1898
Uppercu was no longer associated with the venture. Finally a 1909
price list of Nuts, and a 1897 letter of receipt of payment for song
sheets. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
New York
163 South Mills Co., 1866 Stock Certificate, Horace Greely was Scammed by a SouthernerAfter theCivilWar.NewYork, 10 Shares,
I/U, Liberty portrait on left, slaves on wagon carrying cotton bales,
S/N 40,. Extremely rare and interesting certificate. Horace Greely
invested in the company to form an area for freed slaves to own their
own land and be able to make a living off the land. The company was
supposed to purchase 4 square miles of land in the South. In the end,
all that was purchased was a small tract of useless swamp. Historic
scam stock certificate with an interesting story. �����������������Est.
164 Keely Motor Co., 1893 Stock Certificate.`PA. 1 Share, I/U, Black on
green border, Keely at bottom, allegorical woman at top with ornate
motor, VG to fine with edge faults and small tears otherwise very
attractive. National BNC. Famous fraud. ����������������������������Est.
165 Lexington and Eastern Railway Co. 1894 Specimen Bond.Kentucky, Specimen $-Odd, General Mortgage 5% Registered Gold
Bond, Black on ornate green border, train with harbor view under
title, Extremely attractive Homer Lee BNC design, VF condition,
POC’s, Archival overprints on back. Listed railroad and bond in Cox,
but unlisted as a specimen, only listed as a cancelled bond. First time
offered by us. ����������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
Pennsylvania. New Jersey
166 Camden & Philadelphia Steam Boat Ferry Co., 1869 Issue Stock CertificateAssortment.Camden, NJ, Includes 2 examples, 1859 and
1860 dated, I/C; also includes a LDP of Side Wheel steamboat and a
NJ canal related certificate. VG to XF, Please inspect. ���������� Est.