Archives International Auctions AIA XXIX Part I
October 24, 2015
Archives International Auctions
156 Republic Mining Co., 1865 Issued Stock Certificate.Ontonagon
Co., Michigan, 5,150 Shares, I/U, Black on off white paper, miners
hammering metal rod, S/N 34, Issued to Alexander Campbell and
signed by John McKenzie as president, Lith of Henry Seibert. ���� Est.
157 GreatWestern & Lake Superior MiningCo., 1846StockCertificate.NewYork or Michigan. 1 Share, I/U, Black, no underprint, Ship on pier
at right, ship at left, S/N 624, Fine condition, No location or place
listed. Possibly a Michigan related mining company. Needs further
research. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
New Mexico
158 Pecos Irrigation and Improvement CompanyColorado, 1892,
$1000. 6% Gold Bond. Green border and underprint w/ tropical
allegorical woman in middle, allegorical reaper on UL and allegorical
woman on UR. ABNCo. Specimen w/ coupons, XF, scarce and
attractive ColoradoWater bond. �������������������������������������Est.
New Mexico Territory
159 San Pedro andCanon Del Agua Co., 1880 bond.NewMexico, 1880.
Issued and uncancelled bond. $1000. 1st Mortgage 7% Income Bond.
Black border. XF condition. Rancher with cattle under ornate title.
Coupons attached. This company was the subject of a long-term
lawsuit with the U.S. government that was begun in 1881(right after
this bond issue and the company was started) and completed in
1897 when the U.S. courts found that the property claimed by this
company in New Mexico was obtained by a fraudulent survey. The
company tried to control all of the copper and gold mining in the
area but the survey was inaccurate and included a large and valuable
mining area that should have been in the public domain. Rare and
Interesting mining Company. FBNC.������������������������������������Est.
New York
160 New York, Philadelphia & Baltimore Consolidated Petroleum & Mining Co. Issued Stock.NewYork, 1866, 500 Shares, Stock, Black
on black border and underprint, Oil wells with many oil barrels top
right, VF-XF condition, Hatch Co. ����������������������������������������Est.
161 Knight’s Island Alaska Copper Co., Issued Stock.Alaska, 1907, I/U
Stock, #4, 100 Shares, Black on gold border and underprint, Mining
vignette top center, VF condition with vertical creasing from folds,
Goes.���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.