Archives International Auctions- AIA XXIX Part I
October 24,2015
Archives International Auctions
138 Telegrafo Electrico De Venezuela, 8 Shares of Stock, Issued in 1866.Caracas, Venezuela, July 31, 1866, 8 Shares, Issued and
uncancelled stock certificate, Black on light yellow paper, counterfoil
on left, no vignette, earlyVenezuelanTelegraphCompany (Early for a
U.S. Telegraph also). From the estate of the owners of the company.
XF condition with light toning. Rare and historic South American
telegraph company. ������������������������������������������������������������Est.
Vera Cruz
139 United States of America Bond signed byAntonio Lopez de SantaAnna.
Vera Cruz. Mortgage deed of trust naming properties in Vera
Cruz and palaces on St. Thomas and Turbaco in New Granada. Old
tape mounting to frameable matte board. Very Fine, edge tone. Est.
140 Hercules Powder Co., ca.1913-15 Stock Certificate Proof.Delaware, ND (ca.1910’s), SBNC. Proof stock certificate of vignette,
title and text without border. Vignette of Hercules with large club.
Printed on off white toned paper. Laflin & Rand Powder Company
collaborated with rival DuPont in 1882 and formed Hercules Powder.
In 1902 DuPont purchased Laflin & Rand, operating it as a subsidiary.
In 1912, a successful Federal antitrust suit against DuPont for its
prior “Powder Trust” activities forced the company to dissolve Laflin
& Rand and divest a portion of its explosives business into two newly
created companies, the Hercules andAtlas Powder Companies. Rare
explosives and gunpowder certificate.�������������������������������� Est.
141 Remington Arms Co., Specimen Stock.Delaware, ND, Specimen
Stock, <100 Shares, Black on orange border and underprint,
Allegorical figure sitting top center with lion and torch, VF-XF
condition, ABNC. 7%Cumulative Preferred Stock Series A. Est.
142 Saint LouisOre andSteelCo., 1882StockCertificate.MO. 7 Shares,
I/U, Black with no underprint, Furnace scene over title, Choice Fine
to VF, Signed by E.A. Hitchcock as president, he was Secretary of
the Interior under President McKinley in 1898, while Secretary, he
exposed massive fraud in the administration of the natural resources
on public lands. JayGould was a large stockholder prior to 1884. Rare
and attractive certificate. Franklin BNC. ������������������������������Est.
New York
143 Utica and Mohawk Cotton Mills, Inc.New York. Stock Book with
cancelled Shares bound in #10001-10500. Issued in 1937, and most
cancelled in the 1940s. Just a few stocks are not present in the
500 pieces run. Some are water damaged, many have documents
attached. Massive book.������������������������������������������������������Est.