Archives International Auctions- AIA XXIX Part II
October 29,2015
Archives International Auctions
1020Pennsylvania, 10.1.1773.50 Shillings (10). SCWPMS2540H. Arms of
the Penn family. Fine. 10 pieces. (The Harry L. Rinker Collection) Est.
1021Pennsylvania, 10.1.1773.18 Pence, 2 Shillings, 2 Shilling 6 Pence.
SCWPM S2540A, S2540B, S2540C. A nice matched group. Good. 3
pieces. (The Harry L. Rinker Collection) �������������������������������Est.
1022 Pennsylvania, 10.1.1773.18 Pence (7), 2 Shillings (4), 2 Shilling 6
Pence (3). SCWPM S2540A, S2540B, S2540C. Fair to Good, some
with cuts, paper loss or contemporary repairs. 14 pieces. (The Harry
L. Rinker Collection) ������������������������������������������������������������ Est.
1023 Pennsylvania, 10.1.1773.5, 10, 15, 20, 50 Shillings. SCWPMS2540D,
S2540E, S2540F, S2540G, S2540H. Nice two color printing by Hall &
Sellers.Well matched. Fine. 5 pieces. (The Harry L. Rinker Collection)
1024Pennsylvania, 10.1.1773.10, 15 Shilling. SCWPM S2540E, S2540F.
Very Good-Fine. (The Harry L. Rinker Collection)�����������������Est.