Archives International Auctions AIA XXIX Part II
October 29, 2015
Archives International Auctions
1014Pennsylvania, 4.3.1772.18 Pence (4). SCWPM S2537. Nice group
of signature varieties. Honest wear. Very Good, one Good. 4 pieces.
(The Harry L. Rinker Collection)�������������������������������������������Est.
1015Pennsylvania, 4.3.1772.18 Pence (4). SCWPM S2537. Evenly worn
group. Good, one with pin repair. 4 pieces. (The Harry L. Rinker
Collection)��������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
1016Pennsylvania, 3.20.1773.4 Shillings (2), 16 Shillings. SCWPM
S2540I, S2540L. Lighthouse vignette on back of all. Printed by Hall
and Sellers. First Good, others Very Good. 3 pieces. (The Harry L.
Rinker Collection) ����������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1017 Pennsylvania, 10.1.1773.18 Pence, 2 Shillings, 2 Shilling 6 Pence.
SCWPM S2540A, S2540B, S2540C. A nice group with trimmed
edges. Very Good. 3 pieces. (The Harry L. Rinker Collection) Est.
1018Pennsylvania, 10.1.1773.2 Shilling 6 pence (3). SCWPM S2540C.
Nice well matched group. Very Good. 3 pieces. (The Harry L. Rinker
1019Pennsylvania, 10.1.1773.5 Shilling, 10 Shilling, 15 Shilling (3), 20
Shilling (6). SCWPM S2540D, S2540E, S2540F, S2540G. Fair-Good or
a bit better. 11 pieces. (The Harry L. Rinker Collection) ������� Est.