Archives International Auctions- AIA XXIX Part II
October 29,2015
Archives International Auctions
1056Cherokee Insurance & Banking Co. 2 Dollars. 1862.GA. Steam
train at left end. Tape repairs on back to ink burn areas. Very Fine+.
������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
1057Marine Bank of Georgia. 50 Dollars. 18xx.GA. Military figure
(Washington?) speaking with Natives at right. Unissued remainder.
Ink burn spotting in center. Fine+. ���������������������������������������Est.
1058Merchants and Planters Bank, 1 Dollar, 1859; Mechanics Bank, 5 Dollars, 1861; ; Bank of Augusta 1 Dollar,18xx; 10 Dollars, 1858.
GA.Three Very Good the unissued remainder Extremely Fine or
better. 4 pieces.�������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1059Mechanics Bank Uncut Proprietary Proof Sheet.Chicago, Illinois,
Uncut sheet of 4 notes, ND (originally printed ca. 1840-50’s, these
were printed ca.1960-70’s by ABNC from the original plates), $1-
$1-$3-$5, (Haxby Unlisted), Haxby has no mention of any notes
from Chicago with this bank name or designs, evidently better
than SENC, Modern “Proprietary Proof Sheet”, The $1 note has
blacksmith putting on horse shoes on an unhappy horse with partner
at the forge hammering, young lady’s portrait to right and arm and
hammer with anvil on LR, no registration seal is present on any of
the denominations and was evidently going to be placed afterwards
in a different color; the $3 note has masons laying brick in middle
with what looks like a female blacksmith on the LR; the $5 note has
blacksmith with hammer at left and men standing by railroad tracks
inmiddle speaking, Black printing without underprint printed on thin
white card, Appears Choice Uncirculated condition but the paper is
wavy on the top and the bottom. ABNC. Rare and possibly unique
sheet from the ABN Commemorative archive, Rare as uncut sheet.
(ABN Commemoratives, AIA XI, May 15, 2012) ����������������Est.