Archives International Auctions- AIA XXIX Part II
October 29,2015
Archives International Auctions
996 New Jersey, 1786.3 Shillings, 30 Shillings. SCWPM S1855, S1859. A
scarce issue. Printed by Isaac Collins. Both with paper loss and stain.
Fair-Good. 2 pieces. (The Harry L. Rinker Collection) ��������� Est.
997 Pennsylvania, 1.1.1756.20 Shillings. Plate B. SCWPM S2459. Arms
of the Penn family. Printed by B. Franklin and D. Hall. Strong center
fold. Good. (The Harry L. Rinker Collection)�������������������������Est.
998 Pennsylvania, 3.10.1757.20 Shillings (2). Plate B. SCWPM S2471.
Arms of the Penn family. Printed by B. Franklin and D. Hall. Good. 2
pieces. (The Harry L. Rinker Collection) �������������������������������Est.
999 Pennsylvania, 3.10.1757.20 Shillings (3). Plate B. SCWPM S2471.
Arms of the Penn family. Printed by B. Franklin and D. Hall. Fair -
Good, one with pin repair. 3 pieces. (The Harry L. Rinker Collection)
1000Pennsylvania, 5.20.1758.15 Shillings (2). Plate A, B. SCWPM S2478.
Arms of the Penn family. Printed by B. Franklin and D. Hall. The A
plate paper halved and stiffened, the B plate separated and attached
by pin. Fair-Good. 2 pieces. (The Harry L. Rinker Collection)Est.