Archives International Auctions AIA XXIX Part II
October 29, 2015
Archives International Auctions
1001Pennsylvania, 4.25.1759.10 Shilling, 50 Shillings. Plate B, C.
SCWPM S2481, S2486. Printed by B. Franklin and D. Hall. The first
halved attached by old pin, the second with paper loss at lower right.
Fair-Good. (The Harry L. Rinker Collection)������������������������Est.
1002Pennsylvania, 5.1.1760.15, 20, 50 Shillings, 5 Pounds. SCWPM
S2494, S2495, S2496. Printed by B. Franklin and D. Hall. First is held
together by pin. Fair-Good, the 20s a Fine. 4 pieces. (The Harry L.
Rinker Collection) ��������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1003Pennsylvania, 6.18.1764.5, 10 (3), 20 (6) Shillings. SCWPM S2506,
S2507, S2508. All with center fold repairs with pins or sewn together.
Fair-Good. 10 pieces. (The Harry L. Rinker Collection)���������� Est.
1004Pennsylvania, 6.18.1764.5, 10, 20 Shillings. SCWPM S2506, S2507,
S2508. Nice evenly matched group. Plates C, B. A. The second with a
non-contemporary repair. Printed by B. Franklin and D. Hall. Good. 3
pieces. (The Harry L. Rinker Collection) �������������������������������Est.
1005Pennsylvania, 3.10.1769.9 pence, 2 Shilling, 1/2 Crown, 10 Shilling.
SCWPM S2519, S2523, S2525. Printed by D. Hall and W. Sellers.
First two Fair and dark paper tone, with contemporary backing,
last two are Good-Very Good with some paper separation at folds,
the Half Crown without a back. 4 pieces. (The Harry L. Rinker
1006Pennsylvania, 3.20.1771.10 Shilling, 20 Shilling. SCWPM S2529,
S2521. Nice two-color notes. Plate B, A. Printed by D. Hall and W.
Sellers. Evenly matched Very Good. 2 pieces. (The Harry L. Rinker
Collection)��������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.