397 City of Rome, 1927, $100 Specimen Bond.
Italy. 1927, $100 6
1/2% External Loan Specimen Bond, Black print with brown border
and underprint, Allegorical men and woman top center with winged
wheel, POC’s and red SPECIMEN overprint, VF condition with some
splitting and missing pieces around the edges, ABNC.
Est $150-300
398 Lot of 2 Italian Specimen Bonds, 1926 & 1927.
Lot of 2 Italian
Specimen Bonds; 1)Lombard Electric Co., 1926, $1000 7% Series A
Gold Specimen Bond, Black print with blue border and underprint,
Mercury reclined top center, VF condition, ABNC. 2)City of Milan,
1927, $1000 6 1/2% External Loan Specimen Bond, Black print with
orange border and underprint, Allegorical woman top center, VF
condition, ABNC. ......................................................
Est $120-240
399 Foreign Bond Assortment Including ca. 1900 Italian Railroad
Lot of 3 pieces, Includes Italy, Societa Della Ferrovia Sicula
Occidentale Palermo - Marsala - Trapani, 500 Lire, Remainder or
Specimen; Egypt, Delta Trading Company, 1944 Issued;
Egyptian bond all in Arabic. All are in VF to XF condition.
(Photo in Back) ..........................................................
Est $75-150
400 Government Imperial du Japan, 1910, 500 Francs Specimen
Japan, 1910, 500 Francs 4% Series 2 Issued/ Uncancelled
Bond, Coupons attached, S/N 16978, Black printing with green bor-
der and underprint, Mount Fuji top center, Fine condition, Waterlow
& Sons Ltd. ...............................................................
Est $300-600
401 Banco De Londres Y Mexico - Banque De Londres Et Du
Specimen bond. 1905. 100 Pesos. Priest with Indians at his
feet and arms of Mexico on bottom. Green border with black
vignette and text. Coupons attached. Red specimen overprints. XF
condition. ABNC. Rare bond. ....................................
Est $300-600
402 Republica Mexicana - Bono Del Tesoro Del Gobierno Federal
De Los Estados Unidos Mexicano, Specimen Bond.
1913. 195 Pesos - 505 Francs - 20 Pounds Sterling - 409 RMK - $97.
Serie A. 6% Gold bond. Arms of Mexico in middle with different cur-
rency amounts on left and right. Red border and undertint.
Specimen overprints. Coupons attached. XF condition. ABNC.
Scarce bond. .............................................................
Est $300-600
403 Republica Mexicana - Bono Del Tesoro Del Gobierno Federal
De Los Estados Unidos Mexicano, Specimen Bond.
1913. 1950 Pesos - 5050 Francs - 200 Pounds Sterling - 4090 RMK -
$970. Serie A. 6% Gold bond. Arms of Mexico in middle with differ-
ent currency amounts on left and right. Orange border and under-
tint. Specimen overprints. Coupons attached. XF condition. ABNC.
Scarce bond. .............................................................
Est $350-700
Archives International Auctions, Part XV
June 4, 2013
Archives International Auctions