368 Imperial Chinese Government, 1911, £100 5% Bond.
1911, 100 Sterling, 5% Hukuang Railways Sinking Fund Gold Loan,
I/U bond, #105933, Black on orange border and underprint, locomo-
tive top center, Coupons attached, Fine condition. ...
Est $150-300
369 Republic of China, 1919, $1000 I/U Bond with addition of May
1, 1939 32 new coupons starting.
China, 1919, $1000 6% 2 Year
Secured Gold Loan, #2693, Black print on orange border and under-
print, Vignette of pagoda on hillside top center, VF condition,
ABNC. Attached 5% coupons are from the April 12, 1937 offer from
the Chinese government and run till Nov 1, 1954 and were printed
by Western Bank Note & Co. .....................................
Est $700-1400
370 Republic of China, 1937, $1000 I/U Bond with Tfel-2
“Bluebird” Form Attached.
China, 1937, $1000 Secured Sinking
Fund Bond with U.S. TFEL-2 “Bluebird” Form with Marshall’s
Portrait attached certifies that the bond is held by a US citizen,
#M3676, Black print on blue border and underprint, Vignette of
pagoda on hillside top center, VF condition, ABNC. ..
Est $500-1000
371 Republic of China, 1937, $1000 Bond.
1937. Issued and uncan-
celled bond. $1000. Secured Sinking Fund Bonds of 1937. Coupons
attached. Blue border and undertint. Pagoda on hillside vignette on
top and on each coupon. Bond is in English and payable in U.S.Legal
Tender. XF condition. ABNC. ....................................
Est $400-800
372 Republique Chinoise, 1925, Lot of 10 $50 5% I/U Bonds.
“Boxer Loan”
China, 1925, $50, 5% I/U Bond, Black print with
brown border and underprint, VF condition, Viellemard Imp. Paris.
These bonds were secured on the cancelled portion of the French
Boxer indemnity. The loan had a dual purpose of satisfying creditors
of the bankrupted Banque Industrielle de Chine while settling the
remaining obligations of the Chinese government from war indem-
nity imposed on them by the American and European powers after
Boxer Rebellion (1901). .............................................
Est $100-200
373 Republique Chinoise, 1925, Lot of 10 $50 5% I/U Bonds.
“Boxer Loan”
China, 1925, $50, 5% I/U Bond, Black print with
brown border and underprint, VF-XF condition, Viellemard Imp.
Paris. These bonds were secured on the cancelled portion of the
French Boxer indemnity. The loan had a dual purpose of satisfying
creditors of the bankrupted Banque Industrielle de Chine while set-
tling the remaining obligations of the Chinese government fromwar
indemnity imposed on them by the American and European powers
after Boxer Rebellion (1901). .....................................
Est $100-200
374 Banco Hipotecario De Bogota, $500 Specimen Bond.
Colombia, $- Pesos Specimen Bond, Black printing with ornate bor-
der and underprint, Allegorical women top center, POC’s and red
SPECIMEN overprints, VF condition, ABNC. .............
Est $150-300
375 Banco Hipotecario De Bogota, $500 Specimen Bond.
Colombia, 500 Pesos 8% Specimen Bond, Black printing with blue
border and underprint, Allegorical women top center, POC’s and
red SPECIMEN overprints, VF condition, ABNC. .......
Est $120-240
Archives International Auctions, Part XV
June 4, 2013
Archives International Auctions