Archive International Auctions Part XV U.S. & World Banknotes,Coins,Scripophily,Security Printing Ephemera and Selections from the Hamtramck Collection - page 52

356 Republic of Bolivia, 1917, $1000 Specimen Bond.
Bolivia, 1917,
$1000 6% Specimen Bond, Black printing with green border and
underprint, Turkey top center, POC’s and red SPECIMEN overprints,
VF-XF condition, ABNC. ............................................
Est $100-200
357 Republic of Bolivia, 1922, $500 Specimen Bond.
Bolivia, 1922,
$500 25 Year 8% Specimen Bond, Black printing with orange border
and underprint, Allegorical men flanking country seal top center,
POC’s and red SPECIMEN overprint, VF-XF condition,
ABNC. .......................................................................
Est $110-220
358 Estado de Pernambuco Issued Bond.
Brazil, 1935, 100 Reis, 5%
Bond, Black on blue border and underprint, Allegorical woman sit-
ting holding Brazilian seal top center, VF-XF condition, Cartiere
Pietro Miliani- Fabriano. (Photo in Back) ...................
Est $60-120
British Columbia
359 Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting and Power Co., 1913,
$500 Specimen Bond.
British Columbia, Canada. 1913, $500
Series A 1st Mortgage 6% Specimen Bond, Black print with brown
border and underprint, Allegorical woman sitting in throne top cen-
ter, POC’s red SPECIMEN overprints and blue s/n “00000”, VF con-
dition, ABNC. (Photo in Back) ...................................
Est $80-160
360 City of Moosejaw, 1904, $1000 Water Works Specimen Bond.
Canada. 1904, $1000 5% Water Works Specimen Bond, Black print
with aquamarine border and underprint, Vignette of farmers har-
vesting wheat top center, POC’s red SPECIMEN overprints and red
s/n “00000”, VF condition, ABNC. (Photo in Back).....
Est $80-160
361 Investors Overseas Services Issued Stock.
Canada, 1969, 1
Share, Issued Stock, Black on purple border and underprint, VF con-
dition, Canadian BNC. I.O.S was a Canadian incorporated Mutual
Fund company with its headquarters in Geneva that sold mutual
funds to US expats and servicemen in Europe. With guaranteed div-
idends it starting having to give away capital in order to meet the
payments, essentially a pyramid scheme. To meet costs I.O.S had to
have an IPO to get additional sources of funding. Robert Vesco a
friend of Cornfeld, IOS founder, used $500 million of IOS cash when
he was in financial trouble leading to the collapse of IOS in the early
1970’s. (Photo in Back) ...............................................
Est $80-120
362 Victoria Coal and Oil Company, 1860 Issued Stock.
New York
and Canada, 25 Shares, Issued and uncancelled, black on off white
paper, mules pulling wagons by mine or factory, Mines located in
Province of New Brunswick, Canada. Appears VF but black ink from
names crossed off back appear on the front left part of the certifi-
cate. Rare and attractive. ..........................................
Est $120-240
363 Banco Hipotecario de Chile, 1900-1920, Specimen Pair.
Lot of
2 bonds, Both are Banco Hipotecario de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Specimen bonds with coupons, includes 7%, 1000 Pesos and 6%,
5000 Pesos bonds, green or blue underprints with Chile Arms in mid-
dle, specimen overprints, POCs, coupons attached, ABNC, XF con-
dition. ........................................................................
Est $140-280
364 Caja De Credito Hipotecario, 1890-1900, Specimen Pair With
Reaper Vignette..
Lot of 2 bonds, Both are Caja De Credito
Hipotecario, Santiago, Chile, 200 Pesos, Specimen bonds with
coupons, includes 200 Pesos, Orange and 200 Pesos, olive green,
specimen overprints, POCs, coupons attached, ABNC, XF condition.
Both with well known Reaper vignette. .....................
Est $180-360
365 Caja De Credito Hipotecario, 1900-1920, Specimen Pair.
Lot of
2 bonds, Both are Caja De Credito Hipotecario, Santiago, Chile
Specimen bonds with coupons, includes 6%-1% -B, 1000 Pesos and
8%-1%-A, 1000 Pesos bonds, specimen overprints, POCs, coupons
attached, ABNC, XF condition....................................
Est $120-240
366 Caja De Credito Hipotecario, 19xx, $500 Series 2a Specimen
Chile, 19xx, $500 Series A Specimen Bond, Black printing
with olive border and underprint, “Reaper Vignette” top left and
allegorical woman top right, POC’s and red SPECIMEN overprints,
VF condition, ABNC. (Photo in Back).........................
Est $90-180
367 Chinese Government, 1913, Issued Bond.
China, 1913, 20
Pounds Sterling - 189.40 Rubles, Issued and uncancelled, coupons
attached, Orange border and underprint with allegorical Mercury
sitting on power generator with ships on top with rice harvesting on
left and house on hill by shoreline on right, written in 4 languages,
s/n 463385, Attractive bond, Waterlow & Sons Ltd. ...
Est $140-280
Archives International Auctions, Part XV
June 4, 2013
Archives International Auctions
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