Archive International Auctions Part XV U.S. & World Banknotes,Coins,Scripophily,Security Printing Ephemera and Selections from the Hamtramck Collection - page 49

329 Siege of Khartoum, 1884 Issued Note.
Khartoum, Sudan, 1884,
2000 Piastres, P-S108b, Issued banknote, S/N 179, PMG graded
Choice About Uncirculated 58 NET with notation of backing, his-
toric note. The Siege or battle of Khartoum was fought in and
around Khartoum between Egyptian forces led by British General
Charles George Gordon and a Mahdist Sudanese army led by the
self-proclaimed Mahdi Muhammad Ahmad. Khartoum was
besieged by the Mahdists and defended by a garrison of 7,000
Egyptian and loyal Sudanese troops. After a ten-month siege, the
Mahdists finally broke into the city and the entire garrison including
Gordon was killed to the last man. ............................
Est $200-400
330 Sudan Currency Board, 1956 Issue Banknote
Sudan, issued
note, 50 Piastres, 1956, P-2Aa, choice Fine. (Photo in Back)
Est $65-100
331 Bank of Sudan 1964-67 Issue Specimen Banknote.
1966. 10 Sudanese Pounds, P-10s, Unlisted Specimen banknote.
Black on m/c underprint with building on left, back black on m/c with
soldier on camel on right. Red “Cancelled” overprints, “000000” ser-
ial numbers and POC’s. The note has pin punch “specimen” on all 4
corners. PMG graded Superb Gem Uncirculated 67 EPQ. Rare high
denomination and high condition banknote. This note is the finest
known of the 5 graded by PMG. ................................
Est $500-1000
332 Government of Tibet, 1658 (1912) Issue.
Tibet, 5 Tam, Lion left,
Green, Choice Good to Almost VG, as usually found. Rare note in
any condition. ............................................................
Est $200-400
333 Republic of Transdnistria, ND (1994) Provisional Issue, Lot of
10 Banknotes
Transnistria, lot of 10 provisional issue notes, con-
sisting of Russia (USSR) Roubles with stamp-stickers, denomina-
tions from 10 to 10,000 Roubles, generally VF to UNC. (Photo in
Est $50-100
334 Republic of Transdnistria, ND (1994) Provisional Issue, Lot of
10 Banknotes
Transnistria, lot of 10 provisional issue notes, con-
sisting of Russia (USSR) Roubles with stamp-stickers, denomina-
tions from 10 to 10,000 Roubles, generally VF to UNC. (Photo in
Est $50-100
335 State Notes of the Ministry of Finance, Law of 28 March AH
1334 (1918) Second Issue, Possible British Counterfeit..
Turkey, AH 1334 (1918), 10 Livres, P-110X, Thought to be a British
counterfeit, Issued banknote, 2 eme Emission, With watermark,
Numeral “10’s” face out on left margin, AU-Uncirculated condition
with firm paper, well centered and large margins with toning on the
left and right borders, Scarce large size note. ............
Est $150-300
336 Central Bank of Turkey, 1930 (1947-48) Fourth Issue
Specimen Banknote.
Turkey, L.1930, 10 Lira, Ser. H1, P-147s
(PulkoC26), Specimen banknote, Red on m/c, Portrait of President
Inonu at right with black tie, Blue English Specimen overprints,
POC’s and “00000” serial numbers, PMG graded Superb Gem
Uncirculated 67 EPQ. Rare and desirable note in any form and this is
an exceptional example with crisp and exceptional paper quality and
color. One of 5 graded by PMG and Finest Known of graded notes.
Est $500-1000
337 Central Bank of Turkey, L.1930 (ca.1952-1961), Color Trial
Face & Back Proof Pair.
Turkey, Lot of 2 notes, includes obverse
and reverse of 5 Lira, P-154 or P-174, Unlisted proofs printed on
white paper with large margins, backs blank, the obverse is brown
on purple and m/c, back brown, the issued notes were printed in
blue on m/c or blue green, not the brown these notes are printed,
Guide lines are present on the margins, Uncirculated and rare.
Est $800-1600
Archives International Auctions, Part XV
June 4, 2013
Archives International Auctions
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