Archives International Auctions Part XIX including "The Tasmanian Devil Collection" - page 70

Archives InternationalAuctions,PartXIX
May20, 2014
Archives InternationalAuctions
410 Civil War Letters With Interesting Content Discussing Politics,
ND (ca.1861-65), Lot of 2CivilWar Let-
tersandCoverUnionPennsylvaniaVolunteers. Letterswithpatriotic
cover,writtenbyJohnS.Nimmon. (Nimmon, ofFannettsburgwasa
3yearveteranof theWarBetweentheStates.HewasalsoaQuarter-
master of the 11thPennsylvaniaCavalry. He enlistedonAugust 31,
1861and rose through the ranks from1stSergeant toMajorbyMay
of 1865). Letters discuss various skirmishes and armaments from
both sides.Mentions “Frankor Jamesanda “Negro” shot twoof the
soldierswoundingthemseverelybutnotmortally.” “...whilehismen
2whowere along used the bayonets, one of the soldiers was shot
in the fray by the Lieutenant... threewounded soldiers and a dead
“n-gger”. ““TheVirginiansarefiring into it “the town”and thechaps
are returning it... Depicts a bloody time in our nationís past and
includesmuchmore interesting reading as well as being relatively
wellwrittenand thoughtout.����������������������������������������������Est.
Ephemera - Exposition
411 Souvenir ofWorldís Fair Chicago 1893, Approx 15.5” square col-
orful handkerchief of 1893WorldísFair.
Birds-eyeviewof the fair-
grounds overlayedon anAmerican FlagwithStars&Stripes. Some
normal fraying andminor holes.Would framewell. Historic Exposi-
tionmemento. ��������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
Ephemera -Organizations
412 HollandSocietyofNewYork ,1894,MembershipCertificate.
York, 1894, Holland Society of NewYork Membership Certificate,
Map of NewNetherlands in color on right based on 1656map by
A.Vander DonckCanals ofAmsterdam top center above gold seal,
Dutchcitycrestson leftand topmargins,VFcondition. ��������Est.
Ephemera - Photograph
413 William McKinley Photograph, ca. 1890’s.
Cleveland, Ohio, ND
(ca.1890’s), 9.5 x 7 inches, horizontal, photographmountedonpho-
tographersmount with photographers credit “Geo. M. Edmonson
Co., McKinley is sitting at dinner tablewith his wife and numerous
guests with all of their names listed at the bottommargin. Outer
edges somewhat toned aswell as aminor corner chipon theupper
right corner. Sharp and clear photograph of future president. XF
Ephemera - Political
414 James A. Garfield Memorabilia Including Presidential Election
Ticket for President withChesterA. Arthur.
Ticketflier“JamesA.Garfield forPresident”. Containssplitarchivally
backed. Brochures exhibitminor toning. Includedare speeches de-
liveredbyHon. JamesA.Garfield, ofOhio: “TheCurrency” outlines
his abhorrence for fiat “paper” money; “The Campaign of the Re-
serve”. July31, 1872; “TheNewSchemeofAmericanFinance”March
6, 1878; Speech decrying theWeaver amendment. Its declaration
that “all currency,.....should be issued and its volume controlled by
theGovernment,andnotbyor through thebankcorporationsof the
country”. These itemsarefinanciallysignificantviews inournations
fiscal andfinancial history. “What isold isnewagain...” ������Est.
I...,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69 71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,...107