Archives InternationalAuctions,PartXIX
May20, 2014
Archives InternationalAuctions
381 Robert Morris, Jr., Declaration of Independence Signer, 1796
Autographed Indenture.
Robert Morris, Jr. was a Liverpool-born
Americanmerchant, andsignerof theDeclarationof Independence,
the Articles of Confederation, and the United States Constitution.
Signed Indenture for the payment to JeremiahParker for £977 and
14/- Shillings, at the present current rates “payable in 5 years with
lawful interest.” DatedMay 6, 1796. Bond exhibits some toning as
well assplitson folds,None the lesshistoricallysignificant. Est.
Autographs - Financial
382 Philip LehmanSigned IrvingBank-ColumbiaTrustCo. StockCer-
NY, 1923, 100 Shares, I/C, S/N 247. ITASB Philip Lehman.
PhilipLehman wasanAmerican investmentbanker. Hewasborn in
NewYorkCity toEmanuel LehmanandPaulineSondheim, Emanuel
was a co-founder of investment bank, LehmanBrothers. Philip be-
came apartner in the family-ownedfirm in 1887 andwas thefirm’s
managingpartner from1901 to1925.Hewasalso thefirst chairman
of theboardof theLehmanCorporation. ����������������������������Est.
Autographs - Foreign
383 Ferdinand Marcos (President of Philippines) Autograph on
Autographs - Literary
384 WilliamWordsworth, ALS, March 23, 1843With InterestingHis-
toric Content.
WilliamWordsworth (April 7, 1770 - April 23, 1850)
launch theRomanticmovement inEnglish literaturewith their 1798
joint publication, Lyrical Ballads. Romanticism emerged in the late
eighteenth century in reaction to the rationalism of the Enlighten-
ment. W.WordsworthandotherRomanticsemphasized thevitality
of everyday life, the importanceof humanemotions, and the illumi-
nating power of nature. (Adapted from theNewWorld Encyclope-
diaô). This lot contains a letter written and signedbyWordsworth
(Portions Archivally Backed), The letter toMr. George Prentiss, (In
Memoir of S.S. Prentiss) discuss the fact that family members of
Mrs.Wordsworth, hermother and sister who can ill afford the loss
of principle have purchased bonds fromMississippi and it appears
that the legislativebodyhas repudiatedthedebt. “onaccountof the
sumofmoney at stake...they have no funds...All that you say both
respecting the depth and extent of the indignation excited in your
countryby thisshamelessdishonesty...” Supportingdocumentation
as well as a 5x7 lithograph ofWordsworth accompanies the letter.
Lotwas lastsold inChristieísEastAuctionNovember24, 1998.Lot#
112. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
Autographs -Notable
385 EdisonAutographSignedNoteonLetterhead.
Lot of 3Edison re-
latedEphemera items; 1). Letter toEdisonPioneerswithmember-
ship form.Edisonpioneerswasagroup formedbyand forassociates
andemployeesofThomasEdison; 2). 191x, 2NorthwesternElectric
Equipment Co. SpecimenStock certificates,VF condition; 3). 1890,
Letter written in pencil and signed by Edison discussing expenses
written on the back of “Central StationConstructionDept.” Letter-
headwithThos. A. Edison, 65 FifthAve. NY on top, VF condition.