Archives International Auctions Part XIX including "The Tasmanian Devil Collection" - page 74

Archives InternationalAuctions,PartXIX
May20, 2014
Archives InternationalAuctions
433 ASDA Interpex1992,NewYork,ASDASouvenirCardwithColum-
bus Landing andVenezuelan Proof Stamp Impression.
Lot of 5
cardswithenvelopes,All are Interpex 1992,withVenezuela25Cen-
tavoStamp,NYBarr-SO87.Mint,ABNC. �������������������������������Est.
434 Societyof theSons of theAmericanRevolutionSpecimenCertif-
icate byABNC.
Washington, D.C., ND ca.1870-80’s, Specimen cer-
tificate fromABNArchives,Colonial BattleSceneon top left,Wash-
ington crossing theDelaware top right,Washington lower right and
Capital bottom. POC’s, appearsVFbut there is toningat theedges,
stain in theupper leftcornerandasmall pieceof the lower rightcor-
ner tipasbrokenoff.ABNC. ��������������������������������������������������Est.
435 ABNC Souvenir Card, Bicentennial of 3 States Delaware, New
Lotof 20Pieces,Bicentennial of 3States
Delaware,New JerseyandPennsylvania. Beautifullyengraved state
coat of arms for all 3 states and patriotic vignette. Barr unlisted.
Mint.ABNC. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
436 ABNC, Unfolded Pair of Proof National Geographic Hologram
Covers, “Fragile Earth” With Vintage Holographic McDon-
alds Ad on Back.
December, 1988, Unfolded proof of front cover
and back cover with blank back, XF condition. ABNC. Rare in this
437 Cyrus Durand Archive Book Unique Vignette Plate #80 From
the “52” Collection.
ND (ca.1820-40’s), 10x10 inch unique artistic
vignette sheet in red and blackwith banknote sized undertint with
numeralcountersandprotectorsontopof itaswellascycloidal lathe
engraved counters in rectangular, circular and odd intricate shapes
with intricateengraving, ThispagewasPage80of96differentpag-
essaved inDurand’spersonal engravingbook. (exThe52Collection,
Part 1, 06-29-10).�����������������������������������������������������������������Est.
438 SICPA “OpticallyVariable Ink”AdvertisingTrio.
Lot of 3notes.All
are fromSCIPAOptical Systems,All inChoiceUnc. Scarce adnotes
andfirst timeseenbycataloger.������������������������������������������Est.
I...,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73 75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,...107