Archives InternationalAuctions,PartXIX
May20, 2014
Archives InternationalAuctions
392 Francis Spinner, 1856 Holographic Autographed Historic Let-
ter With Spinner Calling Himself a Black Republican.
NY, September 8, 1856,One page letter inSpinner’s hand and also
signed by him. Congressman Spinner discusses the fact that: “ I
shouldcommit to it inwritingñ I therefore say toyouand toall such
as infer frommy votes in congress that I amaRepublican , that the
inference is true andhereby not only avowmyself one, but ifmore
agreeable bewishing to be called a “BlackOne”. VF condition but
the letterwasevidently spliton thebottomhorizontal foldand rein-
forcedwitharchival tape thatdoesnotdetract from theappearance
and is verydifficult tomakeout.Amazingdeclaration fromSpinner
andpossiblynot seen inanyotherofhiswritings. �������������Est.
393 Francis Spinner, 1858 Holographic Autographed Historic Letter
Discussing the1858LecomptonConstitution.
ber 9th 1858, 2page letter inSpinnershand, discusses theLecomp-
tonConstitution, (1857), the document was framed in Lecompton,
Kansas by Southern pro-slavery advocates of Kansas statehood. It
contained clauses which protected slaveholding and a bill of rights
excluding free blacks. This added to the frictions between the free
and slave states leading up to theU.S. CivilWar. Though it was re-
jected ina territorial election (January 1858), Pres. JamesBuchanan
subsequently recommended statehood for Kansas under its provi-
sions.Congressbalked,andacompromisewasofferedcalling for re-
submissionof theconstitution to the territoryísvoters.Kansasagain
rejected it the followingAugust andwas admitted to theUnionas a
freestateonJan.29,1861.The lettermentions: “... thepeopleof the
(territory) are authorized and empowered to form for themselves a
constitutionandstategovernmentby thenameof theStateofKan-
sasaccording to theFederalConstitution,andmayelectdelegates...
foramemberof theHouseof representativesof theCongressof the
UnitedStates”. XF conditionwith veryminor foxing, Historic letter
Autographs - Presidential
394 Calvin Coolidge Signed Cancelled Check Dated 1911 from the
Hampshire County National Bank.
Coolidge was the 30th Presi-
dentof theUnitedStates from1923ñ1929.Checkmountedonbond