Archives InternationalAuctions,PartXIX
May20, 2014
Archives InternationalAuctions
334 ZAR - Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek, the Boer State, 1872 Issue.
Pretoria, SouthAfrica, 16thApril 1872, 6 pence, parchmentmon-
ey, Zes-Pence, P-43, Issued banknote with unlisted date, Black on
parchment typeof paper, 67mmby45mm, hand-signedat left, se-
rial #3511, engraved signature of Pretorius, President of theState.
ChoiceVGtoFine forthe issue,slightamountofshrinkage.Extreme-
ly rare.�����������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
335 GouvernementsNoot,1900-1901BanknoteTrio.
of 3notes, Includes1900 issue, £1,VG toFinewithsmall edge faults;
1901 issues, £1, VF and £50,VG+with a 1 inch tear on right border.
Attractivegroupofnotes.P-54b;P-60candP-64. ���������������Est.
336 De Nederlandsche Bank Voor Zuid Afrika Specimen Banknote.
Pretoria,SouthAfrica.ND (ca.1920’s).5Pond,SeriesM,P-S633s,Un-
listed specimenbanknote. Blackon cream coloredpaperwith arms
on topmiddle, Text inAfrikaans, back black with arms on left and
bank logo on right.Text inmiddle of face beginswith “BetaaltAan
Toonder teBetalen....”. Star cancel, No “00000” serial numbers.Ar-
chival notationon lower left border withS/N 3726,TheNote is one
light corner fold away fromChoice toGemUncirculated. Unpriced
in SCWPM. J.H.Bussy, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Printer. Possible
EssayColor trial. Extremely rarenote thatwill bea trophy inanyad-
vancedcollection. ������������������������������������������������������������ Est.
337 NetherlandsBankofSouthAfricaColorTrialSpecimenBanknote.
Pretoria, South Africa. ND (ca.1920). 10 Pounds, Series P, P-S636
specimen banknote. Dark brown on light tan paper with arms
on topmiddle, Text in English, back is dark brown on light tan pa-
per with arms on left and bank logo on right. 3 Star cancels in
signature block on right. Red S/N 0000. Unpriced in SCWPM.
J.H.Bussy, Amsterdam, Netherland, Printer. A trophy note in any
collection. �����������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
338 South African Reserve Bank ND (1967-74) Issue Specimen
Pretoria, SouthAfrica, ND (1967-74), 5 Rands, P-111s2,
Specimen, Springbok Watermark, S/N F/192 000000, Specimen
overprints, PMG graded Superb Gem Uncirculated 67 EPQ, Rare
as specimen and Finest Known as well as the only one graded
byPMG. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
339 Reserve Bank of SouthAfrica, 1940 to 1970’s IssueAssortment.
SouthAfrica, Lot of 20 notes, Includes 1943, £1, P-84e, ChoiceVF;
1940and 1941, 10Shillings, P-82d,VG, repairedwith tapeandFine;
1960’s issues, 1 Rand& 2Rands, Choice Fibne toCU. Attractive as-
sortment. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
340 South African Reserve Bank ND (1961-1993) Banknote Assort-
SouthAfrica,Lotof14notes,Highlights include1961, 1Rand,
P-103a,CU toGemuncirculated; 1984, 50Rand, P-122a,Unc.ToCU;
also includes are P-104b, 111c, 112b, 114b, 116a, 117a, 118c, 118d,
119c, 120a and 121c, all of the notes are inChoiceAu toGemUnc.
AttractiveSouthAfrica banknotegroup. ����������������������������Est.