Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
1692Currency Board and Central Bank, 1973-1995 Issues, Group of 14 NotesOman, group of issued notes, includes from the Oman Currency
Board 1/4 Rial Omani, P-8, choice VF; and from the Central Bank of
Oman 1/2 Rial, P-16; and 1 Rial, P-17, both choice Fine; also in this lot
are 100 Baisa, P-22 (5 pieces, F-VF); 200 Baisa, P-23 (2 pieces, both choice
VF one with ink annotation). Finally from the 1995 issue included are
100 Baisa, P31, UNC; 200 Baisa, P-32, VF; 1/2 Rial, P-33, VF; and 1 Rial,
P-34, VF. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1693Oman Currency Board Banknote Group.Oman, Lot of 5 notes,
Includes ND (1973), 100 Baiza, P-7a, (2), Both CU; 1/4 Rial, P-8a, Unc.;
1 Rial, P-10a, Fine to VF; and 1987, 1/2 Rial, P-25, Gem Uncirculated,
attractive and colorful assortment. ������������������������������������������������Est.
1694 Oman Currency Board; Central Bank of Oman Issues.Oman.
Currency Board: 1/2, 1 Rial. P-9a, 10a. Very Fine; 100 Baisa, 1/4, 1/2
Rial. P-14, 15a, 16a. Uncirculated. 5 pieces. ����������������������������������Est.
State Bank of Pakistan, ND (1976-84) Issue
Specimen Banknote.
1695Pakistan, ND (1976-84), 100 Rupees, P-31s Unlisted Specimen, Red on m/c underprint, Specimen overprint, S/N 000000 and“Specimen No. 41” on lower left margin, Mohammed Ali Jinnah
at left, PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ. This is the only
graded example in the PMG census.
1696 No Lot
Papua New Guinea
1697Bank of Papua New Guinea. 2014 Issue Specimen.Papua New
Guinea. 20 Kina, 2014. P-Unlisted when graded. Red SPECIMEN
overprint on each side. Graded PMG Gem Uncirculated. 66
EPQ. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1698 Banco De La Republica, 1907 Issue.Paraguay, 1907, 10 Pesos,
P-157 Issued banknote, PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ. Rare
denomination from this relatively common series. W&S. ����������Est.