Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
1661Banco Mexicano de Comercio e Industria, (ca. 1900-1910), Unlisted SpecimenMexico, specimen 1000 Peso note, ND (ca. 1900-
1910), prepared for El Banco Mexicano de Comercio e Industria but
apparently never issued, S/N 00000, 3 punch holes and two SPECIMEN
overprints, featuring 3 allegorical women at center, graded Choice
About Uncirculated 58 EPQ by PMG. ABNC. �������������������������Est.
1662BancoMinero, 1900-1914, Issued BanknoteMexico, issued 50 Pesos,
1910, P-S166Ac, M136e, overprinted “Chihuahua”, graded Very Fine 20
by PMG with a remark of “tears”. ABNC. �����������������������������������Est.
1663Banco Nacional Mexicano, ND (1887), Uniface ProofMexico, proof
100 Pesos, P-S253p, printed on thin paper, ABNC. AU-UNC condition.
1664 Banco Occidental de Mexico, ND (ca. 1900), Uniface ProofMexico, proof 1000 Pesos, P-S414p, printed on thin paper, ABNC. XF
appearance with small tear and missing piece from top margin condition.
1665Banco Occidental, 1913, Issued BanknoteMexico, issued 5 Pesos,
1913, P-S408d, M495d, graded Choice Very Fine 35 by PMG with a
remark of “minor ink”. ABNC. ����������������������������������������������������Est.
1666 Banco Oriental de Mexico, 1901-14 Issue Face ProofMexico.
Puebla. ca. 1901-14. P-S387p. 1000 Pesos. Highest denomination in series.
Obverse proof mounted on card stock. Black on orange and yellow
underprint. Sailor at left and portrait of Esteban de Antuano at center,
while the left depicts an allegorical woman holding a scythe and a bundle
of wheat. PMG graded Gem Uncirculated 66 EPQ. Very rare in any
form. ABNC.���������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.