Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
1278Chinese Imperial Railway 1907 Canton-Kowloon Railway Bond Trio.China. Lot of 3 pieces, all are £100 Issued and Uncanceled 5%
Government Guaranteed Coupon Bond, Black print on large ornate red
border and under tint, No vignette on certificate, company logo at top,
British & Chinese Corporation, Fine-VF condition, 3 pieces.������Est.
1279Chinese Imperial Railway 1907 Canton-Kowloon Railway Group LotChina. Lot of 4 pieces, all are £100 Issued and Uncanceled 5%
Government Guaranteed Coupon Bond, Black print on large ornate red
border and under tint, No vignette on certificate, company logo at top,
British & Chinese Corporation, Fine-VF condition with very low serial
numbers: 12,13,14, 16. 4 pieces. ����������������������������������������������������Est.
1280Chinese Imperial Railway 1907 Shanghai-Nanking Railway Group LotChina. Lot of 3 pieces, all are £100 Issued and Uncanceled 5%
Coupon Bonds, Black print on red border and under tint, No image on
certificate, company title at top, British & Chinese Corporation, Fine-VF
condition. 3 pieces.������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1281Chinese Imperial Railway 1907 Shanghai-Nanking Railway Group LotChina. Lot of 4 bonds. All are £100 Issued and Uncanceled 5%
Coupon Bonds, Black print on red border and under tint, No image on
certificate, company title at top, British & Chinese Corporation, Fine-VF
condition. 4 pieces.������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1282Chinese Imperial Railway 1907 Shanghai-Nanking Railway Group LotChina. Lot of 4 bonds. All are £100 Issued and Uncanceled 5%
Coupon Bonds, Black print on red border and under tint, No image on
certificate, company title at top, British & Chinese Corporation, Fine-VF
condition. 4 pieces.������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1283Chinese Imperial Railway 1907 Shanghai-Nanking Railway Group LotChina. Lot of 4 bonds. All are £100 Issued and Uncanceled 5%
Coupon Bonds, Black print on red border and under tint, No image on
certificate, company title at top, British & Chinese Corporation, Fine-VF
condition. 4 pieces.������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.