Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
1056Bank of Territorial Development, 1914 “Kiangsu” Branch Issue Unlisted Without Overprint.Kiangsu, China. Dec. 1st, 1914. $1,
P-566j S/M#C165-1d, Unlisted without overprint “N.B. Payable by Ten
Coins.....” Issued, Black on green, back green, workers with camels in
middle, S/N 0028302, PMG graded About Uncirculated 55 EPQ but
appears CU, rare in this high of grade and priced at $500 in XF and this
is an unlisted variety. Attractive and scarce note. BEPP. (Pogrebetsky
Family Archives, Part 2). ���������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1057Bank of Territorial Development, 1914 “Shanghai” Branch Issue Unlisted Without Overprint.Shanghai, China. Dec. 1st, 1914. $5,
P-567n S/M#C165-4f, Unlisted without overprint “N.B. Payable.....”
Issued, Black on purple with yellow border, hut along shore in middle,
S/N S0061126, PMG graded About Uncirculated 55 but appears
Uncirculated to CU, unlisted variety. Attractive and scarce note. BEPP.
(Pogrebetsky Family Archives, Part 2). �����������������������������������������Est.
1058Bank of Territorial Development, 1914 “Shanghai” Branch Issue Unlisted Without Overprint.Shanghai, China. Dec. 1st, 1914. $5,
P-567n S/M#C165-4f, Unlisted without overprint “N.B. Payable.....”
Issued, Black on purple with yellow border, hut along shore in middle,
S/N S0061127, PMG graded About Uncirculated 55 but appears
Uncirculated to CU, unlisted variety. Attractive and scarce note. BEPP.
(Pogrebetsky Family Archives, Part 2). �����������������������������������������Est.
1059Bank of Territorial Development, 1914 “Kiangsu” Branch Issue Unlisted Without Overprint.Kiangsu, China. Dec. 1st, 1914. $10,
P-568e S/M#C165-7c, Unlisted without overprint “N.B. Payable by
Ten Coins.....” Issued, Black on red with yellow border, back red with
yellow edges, road builders in middle, S/N SU 0012977, PMG graded
About Uncirculated 53EPQ but appears Uncirculated, unlisted variety.
Attractive and scarce note. BEPP. (Pogrebetsky Family Archives, Part 2).
1060Bank of Territorial Development, 1914 “Kiangsu” Branch Issue Unlisted Without Overprint.Kiangsu, China. Dec. 1st, 1914. $10,
P-568e S/M#C165-7c, Unlisted without overprint “N.B. Payable by Ten
Coins.....” Issued, Black on red with yellow border, back red with yellow
edges, road builders in middle, S/N SU 0012978, PMG graded About
Uncirculated 53 but appears Uncirculated, unlisted variety. Attractive
and scarce note. BEPP. (Pogrebetsky Family Archives, Part 2).����Est.
1061Bank of Territorial Development, 1914 “Shanghai” Branch Issue Banknote Issue.Shanghai, China. Lot of 3 banknotes, all are Dec. 1st,
1914. $10, P-568h S/M#C165-7f, Issued banknote, Black on yellow and
red border, Condition ranges between Choice Fine to VF. Attractive and
scarce notes. BEPP. (Pogrebetsky Family Archives, Part 2). ���������Est.