Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
1030Central Reserve Bank of China, 1944 Specimen Issue.China, 1000
Yuan, P-J32s, Specimen banknote, 185mm x 94mm, SYS at center, Yang
Pen on face, Specimen on back, S/N 000, AU but a very small piece of
the lower left corner tip chipping off, Scarce as specimen.�����������Est.
1031 Commercial Bank of China, 1920 Issued Banknote.Shanghai,
China, $10, P-5b, S/M#C293-44, Issued banknote, Yellow on m/c, back
yellow, VG to Choice VG condition with normal wear for issue, small
chips out of bottom and top edges and small tear at top right, Worthy at
center, ABNC. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1032Bank of China, 1914, Manchuria Issue.Manchuria, China, 20 cents,
P-36c, S/M#C294-60, Fine to Choice Fine. BEPP. �����������������������Est.
1033 Bank of China, 1941 Issue Banknote.China. 10 Yuan. P-95. S/M 294-
263. SYS on face, Temple of Heaven at center back. Nice Choice Very
Fine with very light folds and crisp paper. Scarce note in any condition.
1034Bank of China. 1942 Issue.China. 50 Yuan. P-98; S/M C294-270.
Steam train at left end. Nice Very Fine.������������������������������������������Est.
1035 Bank of Communications, 1927 “First Issue” Trio.China, Lot of
3 notes, Includes 3 different branch issues of the 1927 “First Issue”
Tsingtau, 10 cents, P-142, S/M#C126-182, , Choice Fine; 20 cents,
Tsingtau, P-143e, Fine, and Shanghai, P-143b, Choice Fine, Rare notes
that are under appreciated. W&S. ������������������������������������������������Est.
1036Bank of Communications, 1927 First Issue Discovery Issue “Tsingtau” Branch Rarity.Tsingtau, China. 1927, 20 cents, P-143Aa,
S/M#C126-181b, Blue face with steamship on left and locomotive on
right, back orange-yellow with black English signatures, the blue color
variety is unlisted in a 20 cent denomination, only as a 10 cent note.
Evidently it was given a new catalog number by PMG but they made a
mistake with the Smith Matravers catalog number. PMG graded Very
Good 10 with no edge faults, just toning, still the note has bright colors
and will enhance any advanced collection. This is the only graded note
in the PMG census and is extremely rare if not unique. W&S. ���Est.