Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
1077Union Preparation Bank, ND (ca.1970-90’s) 20 cents “Printers Essay” Banknote Proof.China, ND, 20 Cents, P-Unlisted, Brown,
gray, olive and m/c on large bordered watermarked paper with young
woman at left and dragon at right, color bars at top with guide lines for
printing on left and right and cutting guides surrounding note, Block
<0>, Printed uniface, a similar example previously sold in Hong Kong
for $4,025. Very rare essay design. �������������������������������������������Est.
China - Japanese Influence
1078Central Reserve Bank of China, 1940 to 1944 Issue Banknote Assortment.China, Lot of 31 notes, Includes 5 cents to 500 Yuan,
P-J2 to P-J28, Mostly XF to AU with some better and 8 of the smaller
size notes in VG to Fine. Deserves a thorough inspection for varieties.
(Pogrebetsky Family Archives, Part 2) ������������������������������������������Est.
1079Central Reserve Bank of China, 1944 Issue AssortmentChina, Lot
of 6 notes, All are 1944 issued banknotes, Includes 200 Yuan, P-J30, (2
different), VF and AU; 1000 Yuan, P-J31a, “AAA” block, AU condition;
1000 Yuan, P-J32a (2 examples), , 185mm x 94mm, both Choice AU;
and 10,000 Yuan, P-36, 184mm x 84mm, Choice VF. Attractive group of
notes. (Pogrebetsky Family Archives, Part 2) ������������������������������Est.
1080Central Reserve Bank of China, 1945 issue Pair.China, Lot of 2
notes, Includes 5000 Yuan, P-J41a, 170mm x 84mm, AU; and 5000 Yuan,
P-42a, 166mm x 65mm, AU to Choice AU with a light vertical fold
keeping this from Uncirculated. Attractive pair of notes. (Pogrebetsky
Family Archives, Part 2) ��������������������������������������������������������������Est.
China - Japanese Puppet Banks
1081Central Reserve Bank of China, 1945 Issued Banknote.China,
100,000 Yuan, P-J43a, issued, red violet over light green, SYS in middle,
back with mausoleum at center, S/N C/B 795839 F/T. PCGS graded
Choice New 63 PPQ, large even margins, bright colors, sharp corners,
rare note in any condition and rarely seen this nice. Catalogs $2750 in
SCWPM. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
China - Japanese Influence
1082Federal Reserve Bank of China, 1938 Issue Banknote Trio.China,
Lot of 3 notes, All are $1, P-J54 S/M#C286-10, Green, Dragon upper
right, Confucius on left and junks lower right, back green, Fine with small
edge faults, VF and Choice VF. Attractive trio of notes. (Pogrebetsky
Family Archives, Part 2) ��������������������������������������������������������������Est.