Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
1069Peoples Bank of China, 1949 Issue.China. 100 Yuan, P-833b,
S/M#C282-45, Issued banknote, Dark brown and black on light orange,
Peking Pagoda at left, Shrine at right, back purple on blue, Roman
Numeral Block 1-2-6, S/N 630599, VF condition. �����������������������Est.
1070Peoples Bank of China, 1949 Issue.China, 100 Yuan, P-836a
(S/M#C282-46), Issued banknote, Brown-purple and black on light gold
underprint, Block 342, S/N 5877964, PMG graded Choice Extremely
Fine 45 with light edge damage on left and ink stamp keeping this note
from AU condition. Well centered.�����������������������������������������������Est.
1071Peoples Bank of China, 1949 Issue Banknote.China, 500 Yuan,
P-843a S/M#C282-55, Issued banknote, brown and black with steam
shovel at right, Roman Numeral Block 3-4-2, S/N 5384849, Fine to
Choice Fine Condition with small edge faults. ����������������������������Est.
1072 Peoples Republic of China, 1949 Issue.China, 500 Yuan, P-844
S/M#C282-57, Issued banknote, dark brown on lilac and light blue
with city gate at center, S/N 992892, (7-8-3), VG with a 4mm tear on left
border, small edge faults and tears. ����������������������������������������������Est.
1073Peoples Bank of China, 1949 Issue.1949. 1000 Yuan. P-849 (S/M
#C282-60). Harvesting scene with donkey cart. Roman Numeral Block
3-1-2, S/N 03429933, XF to AU condition. �����������������������������������Est.
1074Peoples Bank of China, 1949 Issue Banknote.China, 1000 Yuan,
P-850a, S/M#C282-51, Issued banknote, lilac brown on gray and brown
underprint, Factory at left with man plowing with horse on right, Roman
Numeral Block 3-4-5, S/N 8694130, VF condition. ��������������������Est.
1075 Peoples Bank of China, 1951 Issue Rarity.China. 5,000 Yuan,
P-857Ca, (S/M#C282-), Issued banknote, Purple and black on light
yellow underprint, sheep grazing at right, back green with Arabic text,
the note appears Choice Fine condition with large even margins and
evidence of wear but overall with no edge problems. Roman Numeral
Block 2-1-3, S/N 3635041,rare note in any condition.�������������Est.
1076People’s Bank of China, 1970s-1980s, Group of 13 Issued Banknotes & Foreign CertificatesChina, group of 13 issued notes,
includes from the 1980 issue 1 Jiao, P-881; 5 Jiao, P-883; 1 Yuan, P-884;
2 Yuan, P-885; 5 Yuan, P-886; and 10 Yuan, P-887. Also included are 10
Fen, P-FX1; 50 Fen, P-FX2; 1 Yuan, P-FX3; 5 Yuan, P-FX4; and 10 Yuan,
P-FX5. Finally, from the Taiwan 1972 issue, 50 Yuan, P-1982; and 100
Yuan, P-1983. All in Uncirculated condition except for 50 Yuan, which is
Extra Fine with some staining at bottom margin.������������������������Est.