Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
30 Ta-Ch’ing Government Bank, Shansi, ca.1903 “Taels” Issue Banknote Unlisted as an Issued Note.Shansi, China. 1 Tael, P-A83
S/M#T10-50, Unlisted as an issued banknote, purple on light green
underprint, facing dragons with crossed flags top center, AU to Choice
AU condition, rarely seen note and unpriced as an issued banknote, only
as a remainder. Rare.�����������������������������������������������������������������Est.
31 Ta-Ch’ing Government Bank, Shansi, ca.1911 “Taels” Issue Remainder Unlisted Denomination.Shansi, China. 2 Taels, P-A83
Unlisted Denomination, S/M#T10-5?, Remainder Banknote, purple on
light green underprint, facing dragons with crossed flags top center, AU
to Uncirculated condition, rarely seen note. ����������������������������Est.
China - Republic
32 China Silk and Tea Industrial Bank, 1925 “Tientsin” Branch Issue.Tientsin, China, 5 Yuan, P-A120Bb, S/M#C292-2b, Issued banknote,
orange on m/c underprint, back orange, Choice Fine to VF, with light
stains on back, still bright colors. ABNC. �������������������������������������Est.
33 Bank of China, 1912 “Peking” Branch Issue Rarity.Peking, China,
1912, $1, P-25w, S/M#C294-30w, Issued banknote, Dark green on m/c,
train with hillside village, Emperor Huang-ti on left, back green, back
overprinted on bottom, “One Dollar - Peking”, S/N G 469009, PMG
graded Choice Fine 15, Extremely rare branch variety. ABNC. First time
offered by us.�����������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
34 Bank of China, 1914 “Manchuria” Branch Issue.Manchuria, China.
20 cents, P-36c, S/M#C294-60, Issued, Black on light green on face, back
orange-red, Choice VG to Fine. BEPP. �����������������������������������������Est.
35 Peoples Bank of China. 1949 Issue.China - Republic. 10,000 Yuan.
P-854. Warship at center. Edge roughness and stain at right. Very Good.
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