Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
12 Government of Belize, $20, 1975-76 Issue Progress Specimen Pair.Belize, ND (ca.1975-76), Lot of 2 banknotes, Both are variations of $20,
P-37. Included is a fully printed note on face and back without overprints,
signatures, seals or dates and is uncancelled. Queen Elizabeth on right,
brown on m/c, back brown and m/c, there are excess margins on the
bottom and left side with printers marks, also included is a specimen of
the note with a partially printed face of the m/c underprint only without
vignette, title or text and has a fully printed back. Both notes are in
Choice to Gem Uncirculated condition. Attractive and rare production
specimen and proof banknote pair. ������������������������������������������Est.
13 Monetary Authority of Belize. 1980 Issue.Belize. 1, 5 Dollar. P-38a,
39a. Elizabeth II at right end. Both Choice to GemUncirculated. 2 pieces.
14 Bermuda Government. 1957 Issue.Bermuda. 10 Shillings. P-18b.
Elizabeth II at top, Gate’s Fort in St. George below. Nice Choie VF to EF.
15 BancoCentral Do Brazil, 1970ND IssueSpecimenBook Pair.Brazil,
Lot of 2 books of 5 notes each. One in English and one in Portuguese.
Includes 1 Cruzeiros to 100 Cruzeiros, P-191 to P-195, all specimens
mounted in books in holders and would grade uncirculated to Gem
Unc., One of the books is signed by the executive director. Attractive
and scarce in this format. (10 notes). �������������������������������������������Est.
16 Banco do Café. 1890s Issue.Brazil. 100 Reis. P-S541r. Unsigned,
undated remained. Choice Uncirculated. 3 Pieces. ������������������������Est.
British Honduras
17 Government of British Honduras. 1960.British Honduras. 2 Dollars.
SCWPM 29b. Elizabeth II at right. Fine, a bit dirty at left end.������Est.
18 Bulgarian National Bank. 1916 ND Issue.Bulgaria. 100 Leva Zlato.
P-20a. Black on vivid underprint. Serial # without prefix letter. Choice
VF to XF. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Est.