Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
6 Austrian-Hungarian Empire, 1848-49 Necessity Currency.Austria-
Hungary Empire. Vienna, Budapest, Often, Budan. Mostly Fine, some
with spots. 5 pieces.�����������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
7 Austrian-Hungarian Empire, WWI P.O.W. Camp Currency. 1916.Austria-Hungary Empire. (Czech). Somorja, Tabor. 20 Kronen. Nice
colors, Extremely Fine, 2 pieces.�����������������������������������������������������Est.
Austrian Empire, Notgeld
8 Group of WW I Era Austrian Notgeld.Austria Empire. WWI era
Notgeld in Heller and Filler. Many communities represented. Most XF
to Uncirculated, although a few are Fine-Very Fine Included is a 5c from
Moorsel Belgium. Total of just over 55 pieces. ������������������������������Est.
9 Bahamas Government. 1953 ND Issue.Bahamas. 4 Shillings. P-13d.
Elizabeth II at right. Choice Very Fine.�������������������������������������������Est.
10 Banque Nationale de Belgique. 1914-38 Issues.Belgium. 5, 100, 500
Francs. P-74b; 78; 109. Nice large format notes. VF, VF with edge tear,
and Fine with separation at folds. 3 pieces. ������������������������������������Est.
11 Government of Belize, $5, 1975-76 Issue Progress Specimen Pair.Belize, ND (ca.1975-76), Lot of 2 banknotes, Both are variations of $5,
P-35. Included is a fully printed note on face and back without overprints,
signatures, seals or dates and is uncancelled. Queen Elizabeth on right,
red on m/c, back red and m/c, there are excess margins on the bottom
and left side with printers marks, also included is a partially printed
specimen of the note with a partially printed face of the m/c underprint
only without vignette, title or text and has a fully printed back. Both
notes are in Choice to GemUncirculated condition. condition. Attractive
and rare production specimen and proof pair. ���������������������������Est.