Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comFOREIGN BANKNOTES
1 Banque Central d’Algerie. 1964 Issue.Algeria. 100 Dinars. P-125a.
Harbor scene, city view on back. Wonderful large format note. Choice
2 Austria, BanknoteLook-a-LikeLotteryTicket. 1929.Austria. Similar
to banknotes of the era. Said to be a proposed design for Donsteaut, but
that is not confirmed. Hand stamp on back. Choice Uncirculated. Est.
Austria - Notgeld
3 Austrian Notgeld, Heller denominations, mostly 1920.Austria
- Notgeld. 10 Heller thru 1 Krone. Includes short sets from Hallstatt,
Hartheimer, Haslach, Hohenzell, Innerschwand, Innerstein, Inzersdorf,
Kirchdorf, Kirchham, Klaus, Kremsmunster, Lambach, Lambrechten,
Landfriedstetten, Langenstein, Lausa, Lichteneg, Linz, Mels,
Natternbach, Niederneukirchen, Neuhofen, Neufelden, Neuhofen,
Neukirchen, Neumarkt, Niederwaldkirchen, Perg, Pernau, Peuerbach,
Pupping, Refermarkt, Steegen, Steinhaus, Steyregg, Steyr, Steyregg,
Taiskirchen, Ternberg, Thalheim, Tragwein, Wallern, Weyer Markt,
Zell, Zwettl, and others. Extremely Fine or better. A very nice group.
Just over 140 pieces.�����������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
4 Austrian Notgeld, Heller denominations, mostly 1920.Austria
- Notgeld. 10 Heller thru 1 Krone, 1920. Includes short sets from:
Hinterbruhl, Kirchschlag, Korneuburg, Krems, Kurnberg, Laimbach,
Langenlois, Larenburg, Lend, Lilienfeld, Lunz, Mannersdorf, Marbach,
Mitterhausleiten, Modling, Neuhosen, Neukirchen, Neumarket,
Neutengbach, Nochling, Oberhollabrunn, Persenbeug, Petzentuchen,
Pochlarn, Poggstall, Stein, Stockerau, Stossing, Strasswalchen, Thalgau,
Thermalbad, Wachau, Wald, Wechling, Weinzierl, Weissenkirchen,
Wiener-Neustadt, Wein, Wilhelmsburg, Ybbs, Zehetgrub, Zelking, Zell,
and others. In a few cases there are multiple sets (of different designs)
from the same location. Extremely Fine to Uncirculated, mostly the
latter, just one or two with a tear. Over 165 pieces. ���������������������Est.
Austria and Hungary
5 Austro-Hungarian Bank. 1920-23 Issue.Hungary. 1, 100, 1000
Korona. P-57, 66a, 75b; Austria. 100, 1000 Korona. P-12 with 1944 hand
stamp; 59. Generally Fine to EF. 5 pieces.���������������������������������������� Est.
U.S. & Worldwide Banknotes, Scripophily,
Historic Ephemera & Security Printing Ephemera
We will be featuring additional selections from the Silicon Valley Collection of Worldwide Banknotes as well
as exciting and rare banknotes from numerous consignors. There will be another assortment of rare Chinese
and Asian banknotes as well as U.S. and worldwide banknotes. Scripophily is also featured in this sale and
includes hundreds of rare and exciting stock and bonds certificates. We are also offering a worldwide coin
collection that was deaccessioned from an old New York College in 150 large binders filled with thousands
of coins that have been totally unsearched and are sure to offer numerous surprises. We will end the auction
with the First section offered of the American Bank Note Commemoratives Inventory which have been in
storage for the last 20+ years of modern numismatic and philatelic cards as well as security printed items.