Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
806 Punta Alegre Sugar Co., ca. 1900 Specimen Stock Certificate.Cuba (Delaware incorporation), 100 Shares, Common, Black on blue
border and underprint, Sugar cane field with workers and oxen pulled
wagon. XF, POC. ABNC. �������������������������������������������������������������Est.
807 Santa Cecilia Sugar Corp., ND ca.1910-20’s Specimen StockCertificate.
Cuba?. 100 Shares, Specimen, Black on red border and
underprint, men with oxen pulled wagon with sugar cane, VF-XF. Very
possibly Cuba related. Scarce sugar company certificate. ������������Est.
808 Vertientes-Camaguey Sugar Co., 1937 Specimen StockCertificate.
Delaware Incorporation, 100 Shares, Black on green border
and underprint, POC’s, VF-XF condition, ABNC. �����������������������Est.
809 Vertientes-CamagueySugarCo., 1937SpecimenStockCertificate.Delaware Incorporation, <100 Shares, Black on light brown border and
underprint, POC’s, VF-XF condition, ABNC. ������������������������������Est.
Cuba and Maine
810 Santa Cecilia Sugar Co., 1905 Specimen Bond.1905. $1000,
Specimen 1st Mortgage 20 year 6% Gold Bond. Wagon being loaded
with sugar cane being pulled by mules. Green border and undertint.
Red SPECIMEN overprint and POC. Coupons attached. XF Condition.
ABNC. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
Cuba or Caribbean
811 Acadia Sugar Refining Co., Ltd., 1920 Specimen Bond.Cuba
or Caribbean Location (inc. in Canada, UK & Ireland). 1920, $1000
Specimen 7% Serial Gold Coupon Bond, Black on orange border and
underprint, Men stacking sugar cane into cart, Specimen overprints, VF-
XF, FLD-ABNC, scarce sugar industry related company. �������������Est.