Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
781 Norfolk,Virginia Beach andSouthern RailroadCo. 1896 SpecimenBond.
Virginia. 1896. $500 First Mortgage Five Percent Coupon Bond,
rust frame, Locomotive vignette, ABNC��������������������������������������Est.
782 Virginia Midland Railway Co., Specimen Bond.Virginia, 1881, $500,
6% Mortgage Specimen Bond, Moving locomotive with telegraph lines,
POC’s, Fine condition with toning and splitting, ABNC. �����������Est.
West Virginia
783 Pittsburgh, Wheeling & Kentucky Railroad Co. 19xx.West
Virginia. -Odd Shrs Stock Certificate. Distinctive vignette of locomotive
and passenger car. Black plate destruction file proof from the 1920s.
Handstamped CANCELLED several times, with large crayon 59 at left
end. Dirty.��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
784 Green Bay and Western Railroad Co. 1958. Specimen Bond.Wisconsin. 1958. $1000 Class A Specimen Bond. Black print with green
border and underprint. Locomotive head-on top left. POC’s and red
SPECIMEN overprints. VF-XF condition. ABNC. Listed railroad but
unlisted class of bond in Cox. ������������������������������������������������������Est.
785 La Crosse & Milwaukee Rail Road Company, 1858 Issued StockCertificate.
Wisconsin, 1858, 100 Shares, Issued and uncancelled stock
certificate, top middle with two locomotives, bottom with steamboat,
VF condition, Attractive certificate. RWH&E.�����������������������������Est.
786 St. Paul Eastern Grand Trunk, 1913 Specimen Registered 4 1/2% Gold Bond.Wisconsin, $5000, Specimen, XF, ABNC. Rare
railroad. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.