Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comSCRIPOPHILY - SUGAR COMPANIES
800 Hutchinson Sugar Plantation Co., ND (ca.1900) Proof StockCertificate.
California. Proof Stock, Odd Shares, Black on green border
and underprint, Refinery at top with wagon of sugar cane and sugar
cane workers at bottom, VF-XF, Britton & Rey, San Francisco. Rare early
sugar certificate either from the Caribbean or Hawaii.����������������Est.
801 Cespedes Sugar Co. 1924 Specimen Bond.Cuba. 1924, Specimen
bond, $500, gold bond, Orange border and underprint, Allegorical angel
with torch flanked by topless man and woman at her feet. Specimen,
POC’s. XF condition. Overprinted with statement of terms on sugar
production related to repayment of interest and principle, rare with this
overprint. Scarce and popular Cuban sugar company. �����������������Est.
802 Compania Azucarera Pedro Fernandez de Castro, SpecimenStock.
Cuba, 19xx, Odd Shares, factory top center, POC’s VF-XF
condition, ABNC.��������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
803 Compania Azucarera Salamanca (Salamanca Sugar Co.)Cuba.
Salamanca Sugar Co. 100 Shares. Trust Certificate Specimen. ABN.
Extremely Fine������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
804 Guantanamo Sugar Company Specimen Shares. 1909.Guantanamo, Cuba properties. Orange border, ox drawn sugar cane
wagons, ABNC EF. �����������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
805 Hormiguero Central Co., 1890 Specimen Bond.Cuba and New
Jersey, 1890, $1000, 1st Mortgage 8% Gold Specimen Bond, Coupons
attached, Horizontal format, Black on green border and underprint,
Men carrying sugar cane from field top left, POC’s, Fine condition with
tears where folding occurred, ABNC.�������������������������������������������Est.