Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
692 Chicago and Ohio River Railroad Co., 1886 Bond.Illinois, $100 I/U,
6% Mortgage Income coupon Bond, Train over bridge R-L flanked by
standing allegorical women, small train on bottom under ornate title,
VF, S/N B126, ABNC. Unlisted as a bond in Cox and only one variety
and design of stock certificate known. Lovely and rare. ��������������Est.
693 Chicago, Burlington &Quincy Railroad Co., 1899 Specimen Bond.Illinois, 1898, $1000 4% Illinois Division Mortgage, Specimen Gold
Coupon Bond, Black with orange border and underprint, Locomotive
“C.B.&O.”, VF+, ABNC. ABNC. Attractive.�������������������������������Est.
694 Indiana, Decatur andWestern RailwayCo., 1895, $1000 SpecimenBond.
1895, $1000 1st Mortgage 5% Gold Specimen Bond, Black
printing with green border and underprint, Locomotive leaving station
top center, POC’s and red SPECIMEN overprints, VF condition, ABNC.
Listed railroad and bond in Cox. ��������������������������������������������������Est.
695 Boyer Valley Railway Co., 1898 Specimen Bond.Iowa. 1898.
$10,000. Registered 1st Mortgage 3-1/2% Gold Bond. Dark-orange
border. Train L-R in middle flanked by two large allegorical figures in
robes. Red specimen overprints, POC’s and “00000” serial numbers. No
coupons attached. XF condition. Unlisted denomination in Cox. Rare
bond. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
696 Charles City Engine Co., 1913 Stock Certificate.Charles City, Iowa.
1 Shares, I/U, Black on light yellow, Patriotic screaming eagle at top
on Goes type of certificate form, S/N 52, VF to XF condition. Possibly
railroad or Fire Department related certificate. Found in an old estate
sale. Rare Iowa stock certificate.���������������������������������������������������Est.
697 Charles City Western Railway Co., 1911 Stock Certificate.Charles
City, Iowa. 1911, 2 Shares, I/U, Black on light yellow, Patriotic screaming
eagle at top on Goes type of certificate form, S/N 403, Signed by
C.W.Hart as president, VF to XF condition. Listed railroad in Cox,
unpriced with no description until this certificate surfaced in an old
estate sale. Rare Iowa railroad. �����������������������������������������������������Est.