Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
722 Daniel DrewSigned 1857 Buffalo & State Line Rail Road Company Stock Certificate.Buffalo, NY. 45 Shares, I/C, Locomotive L-R with
city in background, old fashioned locomotive on bottom, ITASB Daniel
Drew on the back. Drew was one of the original Robber Barons with Jay
Gould and James Fisk. He started in the cattle business and moved into
the trading of stocks and bonds in the 1840’s. Rare signed certificate by
Drew. (From the collection of John E. Herzog) ���������������������Est.
723 Richmond and West Point Terminal Railway and Warehouse Co., 1889, $1000SpecimenBond.NewYork, 1889, $1000 5%Consolidated
1st Mortgage Collateral Gold Specimen Bond, Black printing with brown
border and underprint, Moving locomotive top center, POC’s and red
SPECIMEN overprints, VF condition with some creases from folding,
ABNC. Listed railroad but unlisted bond variety in Cox. ������������Est.
724 Staten Island Rail-Road Co., 1864 Partially Issued StockCertificate.
NY, 200 Shares, Partially Issued and Cancelled without the
Presidents signature and a large ink “X” covering the entire face. 25 cent
adhesive stamp at left even though the stock was cancelled. Attractive
and scarce. Usually found with a Vanderbilt signature.����������������Est.
725 Susquehanna Valley Electric and Railroad Co. 1902 SpecimenBond.
New York. 1902. Specimen bond. $500. 1st Mortgage 5%, 25
year Gold Bond. Ornate street car scene. POC’s and purple Specimen
overprints. Coupons attached. XF condition. Hamilton BNC. Rare
bond. This is the only example found in the archives and is the pictured
plate bond Cox’s web site.�������������������������������������������������������������Est.
726 Third Avenue Railway Co. 19xx.New York. -Odd Shrs Stock
Certificate. Black plate destruction proof, marked CANCELLED and
crayon 894 at left end. Dirty. ���������������������������������������������������������Est.