Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
687 Georgia Southern and Florida Railway, 1924, $1000 SpecimenBond.
1924, $1000 Series F Equipment Trust 4 1/2% Specimen Bond,
Black printing with brown border and underprint, Moving locomotive
top center, POC’s and red SPECIMEN overprints, VF condition, ABNC.
Listed railroad in Cox but unlisted Equipment Trust Bond. �������Est.
688 Port Inglis Terminal Co., 1904, $1000 Specimen Bond.Florida,
1904, $1000 25 Year 5% Gold Specimen Bond, Black printing with red
border and underprint, Moving locomotive top center, POC’s and red
SPECIMEN overprints, VF-XF condition, ABNC. Unlisted railroad and
bond in Cox with only 2 known to exist. �������������������������������������Est.
689 Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railway Co. 19xx.Georgia.
-Odd Shrs Stock Certificate. Three figures on locomotive cow-catcher
vignette. Black plate destruction proof with notations and crayon plate
number 1821 at left end. Dirty. �����������������������������������������������������Est.
690 Macon Terminal Co., 1915 Specimen Bond.Macon, GA. $1000
Specimen 1st Mortgage 5% Gold Coupon Bond. Blue border. Train
leaving station R-L. XF condition. Coupons attached. POC’s. Rare and
attractive bond. Unlisted railroad related company in Cox. ������Est.
Georgia. North Carolina
691 Marietta &NorthGeorgia RailwayCo. 1887.GA, NC. $1000 Coupon
Bond. Issued. 7 coupons used. Two British tax stamp imprints. Homer
Lee BNC. VF. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.