Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comCalifornia - Nevada
681 Bodie &Benton Railway &Commercial Co. Issued Bond.California,
San Francisco, 1886, $1000 Issued bond, POC’s, XF.��������������������Est.
682 Leamington and St.Clair Railway Co. 1889 Specimen Bond.Canada. 1889. Specimen bond. $1000. 1st and Preferential 5% Coupon
Bond. Green border and undertint. Locomotive leaving tunnel L to R
over ornate title. “0000” serial numbers and POC’s. VF condition with
light splitting and small chips on horizontal folds. Coupons present but
unattached. Rare and attractive bond. Unlisted as bond in Cox, only as a
stock. ABNC. Possibly unique. �����������������������������������������������������Est.
683 Colorado Central Rail Road Co. Issued Stock.Colorado, 1872, 100
Shares, Issued, punch and ink cancelled, black border with ornate vignette
of men laying down railway lines with following behind and wagon train
ahead of them with mountains in the background. Imprinted Revenue
RN-T4, 25 Cents, orange with eagle revenue. Certificate # 78. Signed by
Henry Moore Teller as President. Teller served in the Senate and Cabinet
for over thirty years, and was connected with the Free Silver question,
beginning in 1880. Rare and popular Colorado railroad with Imprinted
revenue and autograph of notable. VF condition. ����������������������Est.
684 Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Co., 1928 SpecimenBond.
Colorado, $10,000., Specimen Registered Refunding and
Improvement Mortgage 5% Gold Bond, Series B, Blue border with the
“Royal Gorge” portrait of locomotive straight on through gorge, POC’s,
XF, ABNC. Only known as a specimen in Cox. Rare and attractive. Only
3 found of this variety in the ABN archives.���������������������������������Est.
Colorado and Utah
685 Rio Grande Western Railway Co., ND (ca.1900) Specimen Bond.Colorado. Specimen $1000 1st Consolidated 4% Gold Registered
Bond, purple border and undertint. Locomotive approaching L-R with
industrial scene in background. XF condition. ABNC. Only known as a
specimen in Cox. One of 3 found in the archives.������������������������Est.
District of Columbia
686 Washington,Alexandria&GeorgetownRail RoadCo. 1872.District
of Columbia. 100 Shrs Stock Certificate. Issued to the Pennsylvania
Railroad Co. POCs. Low # 37. Very Fine. (From the collection of John
E. Herzog)�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.