Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
601 The Anglo- Palestine Company, LTD. 1908 Stock CertificatePalestine. 5 shrs = 1 Pound stock certificate. Issued and canceled.
Multiple canceled hand stamps in Hebrew and English. Fine��������Est.
602 The Kupat Ashrai Eretz Israel, Credit Bank, LTD., 1934 ShareCertificate.
Palestine. Certificate for one ordinary share of Egyptian
E£1. Type in English and Hebrew. Ornate blue, red, and green border.
I/U. Very Fine ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
603 Workers Bank LTD, 1925 Share Certificate.Palestine. Warrant for
one ordinary share. Simple blue border with red seal of bank in the lower
right corner. I/U, VF condition. Scarce. �����������������������������������������Est.
604 Callao & Lima, & Pacific Coast Railway, 1845.Offices at 6, Old Jewry,
London, and Lima, Peru, 5 shares, blue and brown, EF. ����������������Est.
605 Casa De Moneda, 1830 Bond Payable in Gold and Silver.Peru,
1830, Odd Pesos, Remainder Bond, Gray-black printed on light beige
paper with light toning, counterfoil included, Payable in 5% silver and
2% gold. Fine to VF. ���������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
Puerto Rico
606 Estado Libre Asociado Puerto Rico, ca.1940-50’s Specimen BondPuerto Rico, $1000, P-Unlisted, Specimen Bond or circulating bond, Blue
on light brown and yellow, Ramirez on left, Excess margin on top with
serial numbers, Series A, Unc. ������������������������������������������������������Est.