Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
582 Agrobank; Agricultural & Building Bank for Palestine, Ltd. 1939.Palestine. 2 Palestine Pounds. Registered Bond. Perforated numbers at
margin, hand stamps. VF. 2 pieces.�������������������������������������������������Est.
583 Anglo-Palestine Co. (5); and A.P.B. Investment Co. Ltd.Certificates.
Palestine. Anglo-Palestine Co. 1909, 1911, 1936, plus 2
unissued; A.P.B. Investment Co. 1951. All Cancelled. Fine-VF, some with
staple rust or rough edges. 6 pieces. ���������������������������������������������Est.
584 Palestine Corporation Ltd. Dividend Warrant.Palestine. Issued on
the Barclays Bank (Dominion, Colonial &Overseas). 1948-49 dates. Most
cashed in England. Israel and British stamps. Fine-Very Fine. 7 pieces.
585 Relief &Consolidation HousingCo. Ltd. 1947.Palestine. 10 Palestine
Pounds. VF, fragile along folds, one separated. 14 pieces���������������� Est.
586 Anglo- Palestine Company, LTD Stock Certificate and DepositCertificate.
Palestine. 1922 Anglo- Palestine Co LTD stock certificate.
Ornate blue border, issued and uncancelled with coupons still attached.
Very Fine. 1929 Deposit certificate with ornate black border. Fine. �� Est.
587 Bank for Agriculture and Industry, 1928 Share Certificate.Palestine. Good for one share. Issued and Uncancelled stock. Certificate
is printed in Hebrew and English. Ornate blue border with green under
print. Fine condition �����������������������������������������������������������������������Est.