Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
588 Bank Lehityashvuth Amamit Beertz Israel, LTD., 1985 ShareCertificate.
Israel. Certificate for 2 shares of ordinary stock. Ornate
blue flowery border, with light blue underprint. I/U. Fine ������������ Est.
589 Chavurath Sofrim Yachdav, Co LTD., 1934 Share Certificate.Palestine. Certificate for 6 ordinary shares. Low number certificate,
number 10. I/C, red cancel mark in lower left corner. Fine�����������Est.
590 Investment Corporation of Palestine Limited, 19xx (ca.1930-40’s)Bond.
Palestine. Large certificate. Ornate blue border with a light blue
underprint. I/C. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
591 KohelethCo. LTD. 1921 StockCertificate.Palestine. Warrant for one
ordinary share of E£1, 1921, ornate border, text in English and Hebrew,
blue, lacks coupons, some edge damage. Fine �������������������������������� Est.
592 LodziaTextile Co. LTD. 1942 Share Certificate.Palestine, stating that
the Zevue Aryeh LTD has 1050 shares. Simple blue border with vignette
in the middle written in Hebrew, English, and Arabic. I/U Fine condition
593 Mischar W’taasia Publishing and Exhibition Co, LTD., 1934 ShareCertificate.
Palestine, 1 share. Issued, uncancelled. Reddish border with
stamp in lower left corner. Fine. �����������������������������������������������������Est.
594 Mizrahi Bank LTD. 1930 Share Certificate.Palestine, 2 shares of
stock. Certificate has corrections stamped over in pink in Hebrew and
English. Ornate border with text written in Hebrew with gold scroll
work under print. Includes coupons, however not attached to paper. Fine