Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
628 Turnagain Arm Gold Mining Co. 1903 Alaska Stock Certificate.Alaska, 1903, 157 Shares, I/U stock certificate, Green border with Eagle
on UL, Gold Company seal, VG condition with toning and small fold
splits on edges. Mines probably located in the Hope-Sunrise area on the
Turnagain Arm side of the Kenai Peninsula, where gold was discovered
in 1895. This area is not far from the very first discovery of gold in Alaska
by the Russians in 1849. Scarce Alaska mining stock.�������������������Est.
629 Yellow Band Gold Mines, Inc., Alaska Stock Certificate.Alaska,
1938. 1100 Shares, issued and uncancelled, Black on light yellow with
eagle in middle. XF condition. �����������������������������������������������������Est.
630 KeystoneCopper MiningCo. ca.1920’s SpecimenStockCertificate.Arizona. -Odd Shrs Stock Certificate. Specimen. Black on green border,
Mining vignette, POCs. XF, ABNC. �����������������������������������������������Est.
631 Highland & Masonic Mining Co., 1872 Stock Certificate & Adams Express Exchange.California. Lot of 2 items. Includes Sierra County,
Highland &Masonic Mining Co., 1 Share, I/U, VF; and 1853 Sonora (San
Francisco crossed out), Adams & Co., VF. Scarce. �����������������������Est.
632 Tioga Consolidated Mining Co., 1880 Bodie Mining District Stock.California, 1880, I/U Stock, 100 Shares, #5003, Black print with ornate
border and underprint, No Vignette, VF condition, Britton, Rey & Co.
Lith. Mine location is Bodie Mining District, California. ������������Est.
633 Big Four Mining & Smelting Co., 1897 Stock Certificate.La Veta,
Colorado. 1000 Shares, I/U, Black with miners working under title, VF
with mounting remnant on left, Mines located at West Spanish Peak,
Huerfano Co., CO. The West Spanish Peak district was located on the
slopes of the peak by this name. Minor light staining at left edge and
bottom. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.