Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
565 Banco Internacional e Hipotecario De Mexico Specimen bond.Mexico, ND (ca.1906). 100 Pesos. Black border and orange undertint.
Vignette of seated justice with arms of Mexico under ornate title.
Coupons attached. Red specimen overprint. XF condition. ABNC.
Scarce. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
566 Construccion De Los Mercados “ Porfirio Diaz” Y”Colon” Por El Ayuntamiento De Sn.Luis Potosi Specimen BondMexico, 1890. 500
Pesos. 6%Gold Bond. Arms of Mexico with ornate title. Red border and
undertint with black text and vignette. Coupons attached. XF condition.
ABNC. Possibly unique in archive. �����������������������������������������������Est.
567 Estado De Aguascalientes, 1910 Specimen Bond.Aguascalientes,
Mexico. 1910. Specimen bond. 500 Pesos. Ser.C. Brown border and
undertint. Vignette with arms of Mexico. Coupons attached. Red
specimen overprint. VF condition. ABNC. Scarce bond. ������������Est.
568 Estado De Aguascalientes, 1910, 200 Pesos Specimen Bond.Aguascalientes, Mexico. 1910. Specimen bond. 200 Pesos. Ser.B. Green
border and undertint. Vignette with arms of Mexico. Coupons attached.
Red specimen overprint. VF condition. ABNC. Scarce bond. �����Est.
569 Estado de Zacatecas Specimen Bond. 1907.Zacatecas, Mexico.
$1000 Pesos Specimen Bond, Series A, brown frame, Neptune with
trident in circular frame, EF. ��������������������������������������������������������Est.
570 Estado Durango Specimen Bond. 1907.Durango, Mexico. $100
Pesos Specimen Bond, Series C, blue frame, woman seated, agricultural
products, eagle and snake below. ABNC, EF overall, with a few minor
edge splits at the top. Scarce. ��������������������������������������������������������Est.