December 11,2015
Archives International Auctions
510 Cold Creek, Nevada - Consolidated Lodes Co., ca.1890’s
Specimen Stock Certificate.
Nevada (Incorporated in Colorado),
189x, Odd Shares, Specimen, Green, Miners working under
arched title, Specimen overprints, POC’s, XF, ABNC. Rare mining
certificate. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
511 MonteVista Gold and Silver Mining Co., Nevada Stock Certificate.Humboldt County, Nevada, November 10th, 1865, 1 Share, issued
and uncancelled stock certificate, Seated allegorical Liberty in
center, miner on right and red seal on left, small train and ship on
lower corners, extremely ornate border and scrip text, Capital
500,000 shs, U.S. Revenue stamp on left, Red New Issue to right of
central vignette, Cert.# 665, XF condition, Scarce and very attractive
Nevada Mining Stock certificate. ����������������������������������������Est.
512 Roman Brothers Silver Mining Co. 1866 Bond.Lander County,
Nevada. 1866. Issued and uncancelled $100Bond.Coupons attached.
Black border with no undertint. S/N 14, XF condition. Printed on
translucent paper. Scarce and attractive Nevada mining certificate.
������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
513 Stranger Gold & Silver Mining Co. 1865.Nevada Territory (Issued
right after statehood). 15 Shrs StockCertificate. Issued. Uncancelled.
Revenue stamp at left end. VF+ �������������������������������������������Est.
Nevada Territory
514 Fortune Silver Mining Company, April 1864 Stock Certificate.Cortez District, Nevada Territory, (Offices located in San Francisco).
April 27th, 1864, 29 Shares, I/U, Ornate counterfoil covered by 2
U.S.I.R. revenue stamps, S/N 8, Ornate title and text, no vignette, XF
condition, Rare Nevada Territorial Mining Stock Certificate. From a
new estate find.�������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
New York
515 Potomac Copper Co., Issued Stock.New York, 1853, I/U Stock,
#247, 100 Shares, VF condition, W.H. Arthur & Co. ��������������Est.
Western States
516 Mining and Milling Stock group, Mostly Western.Mining and
Milling company stock. US and mostly from the western states.
Mostly issued, some cancelled. A few coupon bonds are also
included.Very Fine. Just over 150 pieces, including some duplication.