Archives International Auctions AIA XXX
December 11, 2015
Archives International Auctions
494 Mexican Central Railway, Limited 1889 Specimen Bond.Republic
of Mexico, 1889, $1000 Consolidated 4% Gold Coupon Bond,
Specimen, Mexican Arms with Eagle and snake, and U.S. eagle and
shield, small train and steamship at bottom, Green, ABNC, POC’s,
XF. Rare and very attractive. Only 3 found in archives.���������Est.
495 Vera Cruz and Mexico Rail Road Stock. 1857.Mexico. $100 or 20
Pound Coupon Bond (Coupon page cut). In Spanish and English.
Three signatures with blind embossed seal. One of those signatures
is that of diplomat Juan Almonte, a former aide to General Santa
Anna at the Alama and Battle of San Jacinto. Very Fine +.����Est.
496 Manila Electric Railroad and Lighting Corp., ND (ca.1900) Specimen Stock Certificate.Philippine Islands (Incorporated in
Connecticut). 1904. 100 Shares, Specimen stock Certificate. Orange
border and undertint. Allegorical angel with light on top left of
title. XF condition. Red specimen overprints and POC’s. Rare and
attractive Philippine certificate. ABNC. �������������������������������Est.
497 Republic of Poland - Stabilization Loan, Specimen 1927 Gold Bond With Legend.October 15th, 1927. $500. Olive green border
and undertint. 7% External Sinking Fund Gold Bond Stabilization
Loan, 1927, Due 1947. Arms of Poland flanked by allegorical men.
Legend written in middle in dark blue that alters the original terms
of the bond, lowers the interest rate payable and increases the
length of payment. Written in English. Coupons attached. VF to XF
condition. Red specimen overprints, 00000” serial numbers and
POC’s. ABNC. One of 2 specimen bonds of this type found in archive.
ABNC. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.