Archives International Auctions AIA XXX
December 11, 2015
Archives International Auctions
529 Canadian Pacific Railway Co. 1922 Specimen Bond.Canada. $100
Perpetual Four Per Cent Consolidated Debenture Stock , navy frame
with train running through field with farming scene vignette ABNC
530 Canadian Pacific Railway Equipment Trust, Series A, 1920 Specimen Bond.Canada. 1920. $1000 Equipment Trust, Series A,
Green frame, Rail yard vignette, ABNC��������������������������������Est.
531 The Canada Southern Railway Co. 1912 Specimen Bond.Canada.
19xx. $10000 Consolidated Guaranteed Fifty-Year Five Per Cent Gold
Bond Series A, orange frame, Allegorical female by shipyard/dock
vignette ABNC. �������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
532 The Canada Southern Railway Co. 1913 Specimen Bond.Canada.
19xx. $50000 Consolidated Guaranteed Fifty-Year Five Per Cent Gold
Bond Series A, purple frame, Allegorical female by shipyard/dock
vignette, ABNC. ������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
533 Department of Caldas, Republic of Colombia 1926 Issued Bond.Colombia. 1926. $500 7 1/2% Twenty-Year External Secured Sinking
Fund Gold Bond, I/U, Green border and undertint, Allegorical Male
and female vignette with world, Columbian BNC. ���������������Est.
534 Atlantic-Pacific Railway Tunnel Co., 1887, $250 Specimen Bond.Colorado, 1887, $250 1st Mortgage 8% Specimen Bond, Black
printing with blue border and underprint, Bear and locomotive top
left and right with sitting NativeAmerican bottom center, POC’s and
red SPECIMEN overprints, ABNC. Listed railroad and bond in Cox.