Archives International Auctions AIA XXX
December 11, 2015
Archives International Auctions
542 Pacific Railway Co., 1889, $1000 Specimen Bond.Illinois, 1889,
$1000 30Year 6% 1st Mortgage Specimen Bond, Black printing with
green border and underprint, No vignette, POC’s and red SPECIMEN
overprints, VF condition, ABNC. Listed railroad in Cox but only listed
as stock. Rare and attractive bond with only 3 found. ���������Est.
543 Indiana, Decatur and Western Railway Co. 1895 Specimen Bond.Indiana. 1895. $1000 First Mortgage Five Percent Gold Bond, Green
frame and undertint, Train at station vignette ABNC.����������Est.
Indiana, Illinois & Ohio
544 Indiana, Bloomington and Western Railway Company 1879 Issued Stock Certificate.Indianapolis, Indiana. 1879, 3 Shares,
Issued and uncancelled, Locomotive #24 R-L, S/N 1247, Black
without underprint, VF condition, Listed railroad as bonds only,
no stock issue listed in Cox. Franklin Engraving & Printing Co.
Rare and attractive. The railroad operated in Indiana, Illinois and
Ohio. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
545 Mason City & Fort Dodge Railroad Co., ND (ca.1900) Specimen Stock Certificate.Iowa. <100 Shares, preferred, Black on olive
green, Locomotive under signal towers with workers next to train,
unlisted later design and type in Cox. Rare and attractive. ABNC.
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Iowa & Illinois
Early and Possibly Unique CRIP Specimen
546 Chicago, Rock Island &Pacific Rail RoadCompany, 1877 SpecimenBond.
Iowa and Illinois, $1000, 6% Mortgage Gold Coupon Bond,
Black vignette and text with green border, Portrait of railroad notable
flanked by locomotive and harbor scene, Specimen overprints,
POC’s, ABNC. Listed railroad in Cox but previously unlisted bond
variety and color. Unique in archive and possibly the only example
available. This is the example mentioned in Cox. ���������������Est.