December 11,2015
Archives International Auctions
340 State Credit Notes, 1912 Issue.Russia. 500 Rubles. Peter I at
left. Large Format. Shipov signature. SCWPM 14b. Consecutive
serial # run. XF to Uncirculated with the appearance of better. 12
pieces����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
341 State Credit Notes, 1918, Quartet of US Printed NotesRussia,
group of 4 notes, includes 25 Rubles, 1918 (1920), P-S1248 with
signatures on back, 2 pcs both XF; 100 Rubles, 1918, P-40a, XF; and
100 Rubles, 1918, with no signatures and overprinted on back with
“Temporary Local Authority of Pribaikal” along with a warning for
counterfeiters that is also a part of the overprint. ����������������Est.
342 State Currency Notes, 1924 & 1928 Issue Pair.Russia. Lot of 2
notes. 1 Gold Ruble. SCWPM 186a and 206. Both Good-Very Good,
both with hinge mounts with varying degrees of damage. 2 pieces.
343 Turkestan District, 1918 Provisional Credit Note PairRussia,
Turkestan District, pair of issued 100 Rouble notes, P-S1168, black on
yellow-brown underprint, two signature varieties, bothVF.���Est.
344 Vladivostok, Government Bank, 1920 Checks Issue.Russia, 1920,
1000 Rubles, P-S1254, Issued banknote, Dark blue on white paper on
face with denomination and red S/N 002500, back blank, Choice VF
to XF condition with handling in a few areas keeping this note from
XF to Choice XF condition. Rare note in any condition. �������� Est.
Russia - Azerbajain
345 RSFSR. 1924.Baku Region. 250,000,000 Rubles. Arms at top center.
Very Good to Fine. 3 pieces.���������������������������������������������������Est.
Russia - Central Asia
346 Khorezmian Peoples Soviet cloth note.Russia. 2000 Rubles.
SCWPM S1084. Block printed on cloth. Light stain. Fine.�����Est.