December 11,2015
Archives International Auctions
381 Guaranteed 1918Checks Issue.Russia, 300 Rubles, P-S 498D, Black
and brown on light green underprint, hand stamp on left, back blank
on light, S/N A.G.81498, appears XF-AU with 6 light hinge remnants
on back that can be easily removed, scarce note in any condition.
������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
382 Guaranteed 1918 Checks Issue.Russia, 100 Rubles, P-S 498Ba,
Issued banknote, Black and brown on gold underprint, hand stamp
on left, back blank on light, S/NOT/G 252, appears XF-AUwith 4 light
hinge remnants on back that can be easily removed, scarce note in
any condition. ��������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
383 Second Exchange Tokens 1918 Issue Trio.Russia, Lot of 4 notes,
Includes 3 examples of 1 Rubles, P-S507, VG to Fine with small faults
and 3 Rubles, P-S 508, Good with reinforced splits, ink abrasion and
minor faults, still scarce. ����������������������������������������������������� Est.
384 Vladikavkaz Government Bank, 1920 ND Issue Pair.Russia, Lot of
2 notes, Includes 5 Rubles and 10 Rubles, P-S600A and P-S600B, VG
with small edge faults, Scarce note in any condition.������������ Est.
385 Vladikavkaz Government Bank, 1920 ND Issue Pair.Russia, Lot of
2 notes, Includes 5 Rubles and 10 Rubles, P-S600A and P-S600B, VG
with small edge faults, Scarce note in any condition.������������ Est.
386 Vladikavkaz Railroad Co., 1918 4% Interest Bearing Loan IssueTrio.
Russia, Lot of 3 notes, includes 50 Rubles, P-S593, VF with
extreme staining; 100 Rubles, P-S594, Choice XF and 1000 Rubles,
P-S596, XF with 2 small stamp hinges on back that can be removed.
Attractive series with large maps on back. ��������������������������Est.
387 Vladikavkaz Railroad Co., 1918 4% Interest Bearing Loan Issue.Russia, 1000 Rubles, P-S596, Choice AU to Uncirculated. Attractive
note with large map on back. ���������������������������������������������� Est.
Russia - North Caucasus and Siberia &
388 Soviet of the Urals Region, Workers & Peasant Authority. Ekaterinburg and Ekaterinodarsk.Russia - Siberia & Urals. 50
Kopek, 1 Ruble. SCWPM S920 (2), S921 (4). Generally Very Good or
so; North Caucasus. Ekaterinodarsk, 3 Kopek tram coupons (2), 50
Kopek SCWPM S494A. Generally Fine or better some with hinge
mounts. 9 pieces. ����������������������������������������������������������������Est.