Archives International Auctions AIA XXX
December 11, 2015
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comSouth Africa
309 South Africa Silver Coins and More. 1896-1969.South Africa. 3d
1941 VF; 10c 1964 BU; Shilling 1942 AU; 2 Shillings 1896 VF details,
cleaned, 1938 EF, 1952 BU, 1960 AU; 5 Shillings 1952 EF, 1958 EF,
1963 Unc; 1969 1 Rand BU. Also included is a Southern Rhodesia
1934 ShillingVF. Must be seen, sold as is, no returns. ����������Est.
Spain and South America
310 Spain, Uruguay and Venezuela Silver Coins. 1881-1965.Spain.
1881 50CentimosVG-Fine; 1892 50Centimos Fine, 1904 50Centimos
EF, 2 Peseta 1874 VF, 100 Pesetas 1966 BU(2). Uruguay - 1961 10
Pesos BU. Venezuela - 1945 Bolivar BU; 1965 Bolivar BU, and the
following 5 Bolivares – 1886 & 1889VG-F, 1905 Fine, 1911 F-VF, 1912
VF, 1924 VF, 1924 BU; 1935 VF. Must be seen, sold as is, no returns.
World Assortment
311 Central American assortment.World Assortment. Includes
issues from: Costa Rica (20), Dominican Republic (35), El Salvador,
Guatemala (20), Haiti (20), Nicaragua (9), Panama (15). Represented
by well circulated late-19th and early to mid-20th century minors,
often identified and housed in 2x2 paper envelopes. Over 100 pieces.
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312 South American assortment.World Assortment. Includes issues
from: Chile (47), Colombia (36), Ecuador (27), Honduras (11),
Paraguay (4), Peru (53), Uruguay (22), Venezuela (47). Represented
by well circulated early to mid-20th century minors, often identified
and housed in 2x2 paper envelopes. Over 240 pieces.���������� Est.
313 World coin and paper money group.IncludesCanada 50Cents 1911,
Good; three Victorian era Quarters; 2 Civil War coppers; a 1862 and
1863 Indian Head Cent, Fine +; 2 C pieces; Shield nickel, 4 Liberty
Head nickels, 3 Indian cents, 1909 Lincoln Cent; 1943 dime; plus a
French Franc of 1917, German mark of 1875A, and Russian 20 Kopeks
of 1914, Mexico City real 1748. Plus three reproduction Mexican
Cob and one California gold coins; finally a still valid British 5 and 10
pound note. 30 pieces. ��������������������������������������������������������Est.
Roman and Byzantine
314 Roman and Byzantine coin selection.Includes a denarius of
Severus Alexander featuring seated female. Also one Greek, four
early Roman, six late Roman three Byzantine one Pruta and one
indo-Parthian, all bronze. Generally Good-Very Good or a bit better.
One late Roman holed. All identified. 17 pieces.������������������ Est.
Roman Empire
315 Geta (3) and two other denarius.Roman Empire, Early 3rd
Century. Reverse feature Mars, Felicitas, Emperor and trophy,
Victory and female making offering. All quite identifiable. Fine.
5 pieces. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.