Archives International Auctions- AIA XXX
December 14, 2015
2319 Local and Private Issue Banknote Assortment.China. Lot of 4
note. Includes 1929, Shantou, Pieo Eng Thong Money Bureau,
50 cents, repaired; 1926, Chongqing, China, Treasury Chongqing
Department, 10 Yuan (2), blue face, red backs, both XF; 1919,
Helongjiang, China. Guang Xing Inc. Private Banknote, 10 cents,
blue with red hand stamps and seals, back red, All Unlisted in
SCWPM. VF-XF. Scarce private banknote assortment.�������Est.
2320 Lottery Certificate, 1945 Issue.China, 1945, 10 Yuan Lottery
certificate, 49th series. Brown with red overprint, back with text
and hand stamps������������������������������������������������������������������ Est.
2321 Mei Ji Wok Factory, ND ca.1920-30 Private Local Banknote.China, 10 cents, -Unlisted, Unissued, brown on light blue, back gray
with Picture of Huang NiuTang, AU condition. �������������������Est.
2322 MunYiok &Co. StoreCertificate Payment Coupon, ND ca.1920’s.China, 5 cents, P-Unlisted, brown on light orange, back black on
green, Possibly a Shanghai local issue. Scarce. �������������������� Est.
2323 Navigation Related Scrip Note, ca.1937.China, 10 Yuan,
P-Unlisted, Unfinished design without title or serial number,
Certificate used on ship, orange-red on face with steamship in
middle, back dark purple-brown. AU. Scarce scrip note.������Est.
2324 Peking Agricultural & Industrial Bank, 1935 Issue Banknote.Peking, China. 40Yuan, P-Unlisted, orange red on gray, back burnt
orange, Choice good toVG. ������������������������������������������������� Est.
2325 Ping Zheng Bank Saving Certificate - Lottery Coupon.Shanghai,
China, ND ca.1920’s, 10 Yuan, P-Unlisted, dark blue on orange
undertint, pagoda in middle, back blank, no serial numbers,
possibly a uniface proof or specimen, 40 lottery chances, each
time holder has chance to win 10,000 Yuan; when mature, pays
premium. XF-AU. ��������������������������������������������������������������Est.
2326 Pongpu Currency Note, 1927 Private Issue with Spelling Error“Currency”.
China, 20 Coppers, P-Unlisted, Remainder, blue green
on light green underprint, Sampans on top middle, back brown,
Uncirculated to CU condition. Scarce note with “Currency” spelling
error “Currency”. ������������������������������������������������������������� Est.